New Spiritual Songs
9, 27, 32, 162, 179, 217, 218, 272, 302, 318, 344, 354, 435, 464, 495, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515
(n° 1 à 499 : Spiritual Songs 1978’s edition,
n°500 à 515 : Hymns Selected and Revised in 1928)
Song 9 verse 1
Father, we Thy children bless Thee
For Thy love on us bestowed ;
As our Father we address Thee,
Called to be the sons of God.
Wondrous was Thy love in giving
Jesus for our sins to die ;
Wondrous was His grace in leaving
For our sakes, the heav’ns on high.
Song 9 verse 2
Now the sprinkled blood has freed us,
Hast'ning onward to our rest,
Through the desert Thou dost lead us,
With Thy constant favour blest ;
By Thy truth and Spirit guiding,
Earnest He of what's to come,
And, with daily strength providing,
Thou dost lead Thy children home.
Song 9 verse 3
Though our pilgrimage be dreary,
This is not our resting place ;
Shall we of the way be weary
When we see our Master's face ?
No : e'en now anticipating,
In this hope our souls rejoice,
And His promised advent waiting,
Soon shall hear His welcome voice.
Song 27 verse 1
Lamb of God, our souls adore Thee,
While upon Thy face we gaze ;
There the Father's love and glory
Shine in all their brightest rays ;
Thy almighty pow’r and wisdom
All creation's works proclaim ;
Heav’n and earth alike confess Thee
As the ever great I AM.
Song 27 verse 2
Son of God, Thy Father's bosom
Ever was Thy dwelling place ;
His delight, in Him rejoicing,
One with Him in pow’r and grace :
Oh, what wondrous love and mercy !
Thou didst lay Thy glory by,
And for us didst come from heaven,
As the Lamb of God to die.
Song 27 verse 3
Lamb of God, when we behold Thee
Lowly in the manger laid ;
Wand’ring as a homeless Stranger,
In the world Thy hands had made ;
When we see Thee in the garden
In Thine agony of blood,
At Thy grace we are confounded,
Holy, spotless, Lamb of God.
Song 27 verse 4
When we see Thee, as the Victim,
Nailed to the accursed tree,
For our guilt and folly stricken,
All our judgment borne by Thee,
Lord, we own with hearts adoring,
Thou hast washed us in Thy blood :
Glory, glory everlasting,
Be to Thee, Thou Lamb of God !
Song 32 verse 1
Oh, wondrous hour when Saviour Thou,
Coequal with th’eternal God,
Beneath our sins didst deign to bow
And shed for us Thy precious blood !
Song 32 verse 2
On Thee, the Father's blessed Son,
As Lamb of God our judgment fell ;
That all was borne, that all is done,
Thine agony, Thy cross can tell.
Song 32 verse 3
Thy cross, Thy cross ! 'tis there we see
What Thou, our blessed Saviour, art ;
There all the love that dwells in Thee
Was lab’ring in Thy breaking heart.
Song 32 verse 4
For us it was: our life we owe,
Our joy, our glory, all to Thee ;
Thy suff’rings in that hour of woe,
Thy vict’ry, Lord, have made us free.
Song 162 verse 1
What rich eternal bursts of praise
Shall fill yon courts through endless days,
When time shall cease to be !
Round and around the notes shall swell,
As each redeemed one joins to tell
Thy love, so vast and free.
Song 162 verse 2
Each shall the Saviour's likeness bear,
A royal crown each brow shall wear,
And robes unsullied white.
The everlasting song shall be,
To Thee, O Lamb of God, to Thee,
'Mid scenes of purest light.
Song 162 verse 3
Our joy unhindered then with Thee,
Our eyes undimmed Thy glory see,
Whilst worthy praise we give.
Through that eternal cloudless day,
Our burning hearts with rapture say,
He died that we might live.
Song 179 verse 1
Brightness of th’eternal glory
Shall Thy praise unuttered lie ?
Who would hush the heav’nsent story
Of the Lamb who came to die ?
Song 179 verse 2
Came from Godhead's fullest glory
Down to Calv’ry's depth of woe ;
Now on high, we bow before Thee ;
Streams of praises ceaseless flow !
Song 179 verse 3
Sing His blest triumphant rising;
Sing Him on the Father's throne ;
Sing — till heav’n and earth surprising,
Reigns the Nazarene alone.
Song 217 verse 1
Soldiers of Christ, arise,
and put your armour on,
Strong in the strength which God supplies
through His eternal Son :
Strong in the Lord of Hosts,
and in His mighty pow’r,
Who in the strength of Jesus trusts,
is more than conqueror.
Song 217 verse 2
— this is the Father's will,
Though Satan all his pow’rs address
to keep you earthbound still ;
Christ in that heav’nly sphere
has conqu’ring gone before.
See ! your inheritance is there,
and there your holy war.
Song 217 verse 3
Stand then in His great might,
with all His strength endued ;
But take, to arm you in the fight,
the Panoply of God :
That having all things done,
and all your conflicts passed,
Ye may o'ercome, through Christ alone,
and stand entire at last.
Song 217 verse 4
But, above all, lay hold
on faith's victorious shield ;
Armed with that adamant and gold,
be sure to win the field :
If faith surround your heart,
Satan shall be subdued ;
Repelled his ev’ry fiery dart,
and quenched with God's own Word.
Song 217 verse 5
From strength to strength go on,
wrestle, and fight, and pray :
Tread all the pow’rs of darkness down,
and win the well --- fought day :
Still let the Spirit cry
in all His soldiers, «Come» ;
Till Christ the Lord descend from high,
and take the conqu’rors home.
Song 218 verse 1
Soon will the Master come : soon pass away
Our times of conflict, grief, and suff’ring here ;
Our night of weeping end in cloudless day,
And sorrow's moment like a dream appear :
Eternity with Jesus — in the skies —
How soon that Sun of righteousness may rise !
Song 218 verse 2
We shall behold Him, whom not seen we love ;
We shall be with Him, whom we long to see ;
We shall be like Him, fit for realms above,
With Him, and like Him, for eternity :
Is now to sit at Jesus' feet our choice ?
How will fruition then our souls rejoice !
Song 272 verse 1
Revive Thy work, O Lord ;
Exalt Thy precious Name ;
And may Thy love in every heart
Be kindled to a flame.
Song 272 verse 2
Revive Thy work, O Lord ;
Create soul-thirst for Thee,
And hung’ring for the bread of life,
Oh, may our spirits be.
Song 272 verse 3
Revive Thy work, O Lord ;
Give pow’r unto Thy Word ;
Grant that Thy blessed Gospel may
In living faith be heard.
Song 272 verse 4
Revive Thy work, O Lord ;
And give refreshing show’rs :
The glory shall be all Thine own ;
The blessing, Lord, be ours !
Song 302 verse 1
O Blessed Lord, what hast Thou done,
How vast a ransom giv’n ?
Thyself of God th’eternal Son,
The Lord of earth and heav’n.
Song 302 verse 2
Thy Father, in His gracious love,
Did spare Thee from His side :
And Thou didst stoop to bear above,
At such a cost, Thy bride.
Song 302 verse 3
Lord, while our souls in faith repose
Upon Thy precious blood,
Peace like an even river flows,
And mercy like a flood.
Song 302 verse 4
But boundless joy shall fill our hearts,
When, gazing on Thy face,
We fully see what faith imparts,
And glory crowns Thy grace.
Song 302 verse 5
Unseen, we love Thee; dear Thy name !
But when our eyes behold,
With joyful wonder we'll exclaim,
« The half had not been told. »
Song 302 verse 6
For Thou exceedest all the fame
Our ears have ever heard ;
How happy we who know Thy name,
And trust Thy faithful word !
Song 318 verse 1
O Lamb of God, still keep us
Close to Thy pierced side ;
'Tis only there in safety
And peace we can abide ;
With foes and snares around us,
And lusts and fears within ;
The grace that sought and found us,
Alone can keep us clean.
Song 318 verse 1
'Tis only in Thee hiding
We feel ourselves secure ;
Only in Thee abiding,
The conflict can endure :
Thine arm the victory gaineth
O'er every hateful foe ;
Thy love our hearts sustaineth
In all their cares and woe.
Song 318 verse 1
Soon shall our eyes behold Thee
With rapture face to face ;
And, resting there in glory,
We'll sing Thy pow’r and grace :
Thy beauty, Lord, and glory,
The wonders of Thy love,
Shall be the endless story
Of all Thy saints above.
Song 344 verse 1
Not I, but Christ, be honoured, loved, exalted ;
Not I, but Christ, be seen, be known, be heard ;
Not I, but Christ, in every look and action ;
Not I, but Christ, in every thought and word.
Song 344 verse 2
Not I, but Christ, to gently soothe in sorrow ;
Not I, but Christ, to wipe the falling tear ;
Not I, but Christ, to lift the weary burden ;
Not I, but Christ, to hush away all fear.
Song 344 verse 3
Not I, but Christ, in lowly, silent labour ;
Not I, but Christ, in humble, earnest toil ;
Christ, only Christ! no show, no ostentation ;
Christ, none but Christ, the gath’rer of the spoil.
Song 344 verse 4
Christ, only Christ, ere long will fill my vision ;
Glory excelling, soon, full soon, I'll see —
Christ, only Christ, my every wish fulfilling —
Christ, only Christ, my All in all to be.
Song 354 verse 1
Come, Thou fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for ceaseless songs of praise.
Song 354 verse 2
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wand’ring from the ways of God :
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood.
Song 354 verse 3
Oh, to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be !
Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter,
Bind my wand’ring heart to Thee.
Song 354 verse 4
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to grieve the One I love :
Yet Thou, Lord, hast deigned to seal it,
With Thy Spirit from above.
Song 354 verse 5
Rescued thus from sin and danger,
Purchased by the Saviour's blood,
May I walk on earth a stranger,
As a son and heir of God.
Song 435 verse 1
God in mercy sent His Son
To a world by sin undone;
Jesus Christ was crucified —
'Twas for sinners Jesus died.
Song 435 verse 2
Oh ! the glory of the grace,
Shining in the Saviour's face,
Telling sinners from above,
"God is Light" and "God is Love."
Song 435 verse 3
Sin and death no more shall reign,
Jesus died and lives again.
In the glory's highest height
See Him God's supreme delight.
Song 435 verse 4
All who in His name believe,
Everlasting life receive;
Lord of all is Jesus now;
Every knee to Him must bow.
Song 435 verse 5
Christ the Lord will come again;
He who suffered once will reign;
Every tongue at last shall own,
"Worthy is the Lamb" alone.
Song 464 verse 1
O God, how wide Thy glory shines,
How high Thy wonders rise !
Known through the earth by thousand signs,
By thousands through the skies.
Song 464 verse 2
But when we view Thy love's design
To save rebellious worms,
Where vengeance and compassion join
In their divinest forms ;
Song 464 verse 3
Here Thy full character is shown,
Nor dares a creature guess
Which of the glories brighter shone —
The justice or the grace.
Song 464 verse 4
Now the full glories of the Lamb
Adorn the heavenly throne,
While saints on earth that know His name
Their Lord and Saviour own.
Song 464 verse 5
How blest are we who have a part
In that immortal song!
Wonder and joy become our heart,
And praise and thanks our tongue.
Song 495 verse 1
Our God and our Father, we come to Thee now
In th’ name of our Saviour, most humbly to bow,
For Thy servants who've gone forth, to serve far away,
And pray for their safety and blessing today.
Song 495 verse 2
With deep supplication, in the Spirit we ask
For Thy guid’nce and blessing, on their every task,
That with boldness of utterance, Thy Word may resound
And the gospel go forth, with a glad joyful sound.
Song 495 verse 3
Help them to be fruitful in service and life,
And keep them abiding and free from all strife,
That they may be blameless and harmless each day
And hold forth the Word of life, brightly alway.
Song 495 verse 4
Let them fight a good fight, and run a straight course,
Keep true to the Faith and proclaim it with force,
Let the Word of Christ richly in them always dwell,
And give them Thy peace, as the umpire as well.
Song 495 verse 5
As we strive thus together, in prayer now for them,
We ask Thee to keep them from ungodly men.
Let their service be always accepted by saints,
And Thy Word have free course, without let or restraints. Amen.
Song 501 verse 1
Away with our sorrow and fear !
We soon shall have ent’red our home,
The heavenly city appear,
The day of our glory have come ;
From earth we shall quickly remove
To dwell in our proper abode,
In mansions of glory above —
The house of our Father and God.
Song 501 verse 2
With Christ everlastingly one,
His glory and bliss we shall see ;
His face shall be bright as the sun,
And we His reflection shall be.
All tears shall have passed from our eyes,
When Him we behold in the cloud,
And taste the full joy of the skies,
The love of our Father and God.
Song 502 verse 1
Go, and search the tomb of Jesus,
Where the Lord of glory lay ;
Jesus is not there, but risen,
And has borne our sins away.
It is finished ! (x2)
Captive led captivity.
Song 502 verse 2
Could not all our sins retain Him,
Prisoned in the guarded cave ?
These He blotted out in dying,
By His cross He spoiled the grave :
Lo ! He's risen ! (x2)
Yes, the Lord is risen to save.
Song 503 verse 1
All things that God or man could wish
In Jesus richly meet ;
Not to our eyes is light so dear,
No earthly tie so sweet.
Song 503 verse 2
Oh, may His name still cheer our hearts
And shed its fragrance there !
The sweetest balm of every wound,
The cure fore every care.
Song 504 verse 1
O precious Saviour, deep Thy pain ;
From Thee the life-blood flowed
That washed our souls from every stain,
That paid the debt we owed.
Song 504 verse 2
Cleansed from our sins, renewed by grace,
Thy royal throne above
Blest Saviour, is our destined place ;
Our portion there Thy love.
Song 504 verse 3
Thine eye in that bright cloudless day
Shall, with supreme delight,
Thy fair and glorious bride survey
Unblemished in Thy sight.
Song 505 verse 1
Where death and darkness reign,
We seek our new, our better home,
Where we our rest shall gain :
{Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !
We are on our way to God.}
Song 505 verse 1
There sin and sorrow cease,
And, conflict all are o'er,
There we shall dwell in endless peace,
And never hunger more :
{Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !} etc.
Song 505 verse 1
How sweet the prospect is !
It cheers the pilgrim's breast ;
We're journeying through the wilderness,
But soon shall gain our rest :
{Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !} etc.
Song 506 verse 1
Father, Oh, how vast the blessing,
When Thy Son returns again !
Then the church, its rest possessing,
O'er the earth with Him shall reign.
Song 506 verse 2
For the fathers' sakes beloved,
Shall on earth, the curse removèd,
Be the people of the Lord.
Song 506 verse 3
Then, too, countless myriads, wearing
Robes made white in Jesu's blood,
Palms, like rested pilgrims, bearing,
Stand before the throne of God :
Song 506 verse 4
These, redeemed from every nation,
Shall in triumph bless Thy name ;
Every voice shall cry, « Salvation
To our God and to the Lamb. »
Song 507 verse 1
Crowns of glory ever bright,
Rest upon the Victor's head ;
Crowns of glory are His right,
His, « who liveth and was dead. »
Song 507 verse 2
He subdued the powers of hell,
In the fight He stood alone ;
All His foes before Him fell,
By His single arm o'erthrown.
Song 507 verse 3
His the fights, the arduous toil,
His the honours of the day ;
His the glory and the spoil :
Jesus bears them all away.
Song 507 verse 4
Now proclaim His deeds afar,
Fill the world with His renown ;
His alone the Victor's car,
His the everlasting crown.
Song 508 verse 1
God's sov’reign grace to us has given,
While pilgrims here below,
A share in all the joys of heaven,
And that blest heaven to know.
Song 508 verse 2
With thankful hearts we now can bid
Farewell to pleasure here ;
With Christ in God our life is hid,
And all its springs are there.
Song 508 verse 3
'Tis now concealed and lodged secure
In God's eternal Son,
And there, as He, it shall endure,
Though to the world unknown.
Song 508 verse 4
Then, Lord, remove whate'er divides
Our longing souls from Thee ;
'Tis fit that where the Head resides,
The members' hearts should be.
Song 509 verse 1
Hark the glad sound, the Saviour comes,
the Saviour promised long ;
Take up the word, ye blood- bought saints,
Renew the gladsome song.
Song 509 verse 2
He comes creation to release,
in Satan's bondage held ;
The tyrant’s thraldom to destroy,
And make th’ usurper yield.
Song 509 verse 3
He comes the mighty foe to bind,
The groaning earth to free ;
And, chief of all God’s priceless gifts,
Himself its Lord to be.
Song 509 verse 4
Hosannas glad, Thou Prince of Peace,
Thy welcome shall proclaim ;
And all creation shall rejoice
In Thy belovèd name.
Song 510 verse 1
He bids us come ; His voice we know,
And boldly on the waters go,
To Him our God and Lord ;
We walk on life's tempestuous sea,
For He who died to set us free.
Song 510 verse 2
But if from Him we turn the eye
We see the raging floods run high,
We feel our fears within ;
Our foes so strong, our flesh so frail,
Reason and unbelief prevail,
And plunge us into sin.
Song 510 verse 3
Lord ! we our unbelief confess,
Do thou our little faith increase,
That we may fail no more,
But fix on Thee a steady eye,
And on Thine outstretched arm rely
Till all the storm is o'er.
Song 511 verse 1
King of glory ! Glorious Lord !
By Thy saints admired, adored.
Full of truth and full of grace,
We will sing Thy matchless praise.
Song 511 verse 2
King of kings, to Thee we bow,
Though the world rejects Thee now ;
Earth shall own Thy title then.
Song 511 verse 3
Thou shalt reign, for Thou alone
Worthy art to fill the throne ;
Thou the First-born, Son, and Heir,
All things for Thy glory are.
Song 511 verse 4
Thou shalt reign in Sion King ;
Daily praises earth shall bring ;
Heart-felt songs shall then proclaim,
Thou art worthy, Lord, to reign.
Song 512 verse 1
Jesus, our Lord ! we know Thy name :
Thy name is all our trust ;
Thou wilt not put our souls to shame,
Nor let our hope be lost.
Song 512 verse 2
Firm as Thy life the promise stands,
And Thou canst well secure
What we've committed to Thy hands
Till the appointed hour.
Song 512 verse 3
Then wilt Thou own us each by name
Before Thy Father's face,
And in the new Jerusalem
Give us our blood-bought place.
Song 513 verse 1
"No condemnation" ! Oh, my soul,
'Tis God that speaks the word ;
Perfect in comeliness art thou
Through Christ, the risen Lord.
Song 513 verse 2
His precious blood for ever speaks
In God’s omniscient ear ;
The saints, as jewels, on His heart
Jesus doth ever bear.
Song 513 verse 3
"No condemnation " ! precious word !
Consider it, my soul ;
Thy sins were all on Jesus laid :
His stripes have made thee whole.
Song 513 verse 4
Teach me, O God, to fix mine eyes
On Christ the spotless Lamb ;
So shall I love Thy precious will,
And glorify His name.
Song 514 verse 1
The wanderer no more will roam,
The lost one to the flock has come,
The prodigal is welcomed home,
O Lamb of God, through Thee.
Song 514 verse 2
Though clothed in rags, by sin defiled,
The Father did embrace His child ;
And I am pardoned, reconciled,
O Lamb of God, in Thee.
Song 514 verse 3
It is the Father's joy to bless ;
His love has found for me a dress,
A robe of spotless righteousness,
O Lamb of God, in Thee.
Song 514 verse 4
And now my famished soul is fed,
A feast of love for me is spread ;
I feed upon the children's bread,
O Lamb of God, in Thee.
Song 514 verse 5
Yea, in the fullness of His grace,
God put me in the children's place,
Where I may gaze upon His face,
O Lamb of God, in Thee.
Song 514 verse 6
Not half His love can I express,
Yet, Lord, with joy my lips confess
This blessed portion I possess,
O Lamb of God, in Thee
Song 514 verse 7
Thy precious name it is I bear,
In Thee I am to God brought near,
And all the Father's love I share,
O Lamb of God, in Thee.
Song 514 verse 8
And when I in Thy likeness shine,
The glory and the praise be Thine,
That everlasting joy is mine,
O Lamb of God, in Thee.
Song 515 verse 1
Thou, Saviour, art one with God the Supreme,
His Son everlasting, and equal with Him ;
Invested with glory, on high Thou dost sit,
While angels adore The and how at Thy feet.
Song 515 verse 2
How great was Thy love, how wondrous Thy grace !
Thou camest from heaven to save a lost race ;
The sharpness of death Thou didst overcome —
Didst yield up Thy breath, and sleep in the tomb.
Song 515 verse 3
Thou, Lord, Who wast dead, art gone up on high,
And captive hast lead our captivity,
Lord, now without ceasing we worship Thy name —
Give honour and blessing to God and the Lamb.