Hymnes et Cantiques
English translation
Traduction des « Hymnes et cantiques » en anglais
"Hymnes et cantiques" translated in English
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271
Première édition: 1994
First edition: 1994
© Pour la traduction:
Editions Bibliques, 1166 Perroy (Suisse)
ISBN 2-88208-096-4
En vente chez: / to buy to:
Jean-Claude Moinat
Général Guisan 62
CH -1180 Rolle (
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
No 1
1. We worship Thee, our Father, - O Thou who livest in the light, - and fully perceivest the heavens at a glance - gathered in Thy presence, - objects of Thine infinite love, - we praise Thy glorious name. - To Thee praise, honour, - almighty Creator - hallelujah! - Yea, glory, honour, - to the Saviour God - hallelujah, hallelujah.
2. On us Thy face shone, - sovereign God, Father of grace, - through Jesus, Son of Thy love. - Our soul blessed by Him, - adores Thee, O God, glorifies Thee, - and celebrates Thee in this sojourn, - to Thee praise, honour, etc.
No 2
1. Let us strike up a holy song - to the glory of the only begotten Son, - the eternal Son of the God of love - by His death and by His life, - He revealed, infinite grace, - the heart of God, the access to heaven.
Praise, dominion, honour - to Jesus the Saviour. - Hallelujah! - Yes, glory, honour - to Thee, Lord! - Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
2. Jesus, receive our homage, - Thou who wilt be, throughout the ages, - the song of the redeemed. - Saved by Thy wounds, - and healed by Thy bruises, - may we live as resurrected. - Praise, dominion, honour, etc.
No 3
1. Jesus, our deliverance, - Thou hast acquired us - through Thy suffering, - eternal redemption. - Lord, crowned with glory, - in Thee we have peace, victory, - joy and blessing.
O precious Saviour, - seated in the heavenlies, - full of beauty, - of majesty, - we worship Thee, - and shall exalt Thee without end.
No 4
1. Glory to Thee, eternal Father! (2x) - who hast prepared for us in heaven - a throne above the angels. - From Thee salvation descends, (2x): - Oh that to Thee may ascend a sweet tribute: - of love and of praise!
2. Glory to Thee, most holy Lamb! (2x) - On the cross Thou gavest Thy life to save Thy flock. - Of Satan, Thou wast the Conqueror (2x) - O almighty Redeemer, - glory, infinite glory to Thee!
3. Yes, praise to Thee, Lord! (2x) - to Thee alone, power, honour, - to Thee dominion and glory! - Throughout all eternity (2x) - we will sing Thy goodness, - Thy great salvation, Thy victory.
No 5
1. O God, whose love gathers us, - around Christ in unity, - our tongues celebrate together - Thine eternal love. - Glory to Thy name - God our Father! - Glory to Thine unspeakable love! - May Thy children exalt it on earth. - While waiting for Thy blessed return!
2. O divine mystery of grace, - Thou hast willed, from eternity, - to introduce us, oh our Father, - into Thine own bliss. - Glory to Thy name, etc.
3. The desires of Thy boundless love - would not have been satisfied, - without seeing, in heaven, in Thy presence, - saved and perfect men. - Glory to Thy name, etc.
4. Thy peace, Thy wealth, Thy heaven, Thy glory, - in Jesus are our treasures; - soon, at His shout of victory, - towards Him we will rise. - Glory to Thy name, etc.
5. O God! our souls are prostrated - before Thine unfathomable love; - finish that which concerns us, - and hasten the day of Christ’s return. - Glory to Thy name, etc.
No 6
1. Let us sing, in a holy song, - of the God of love, the God of peace, - who, in His wonderful goodness, - opened the way to heaven for us, become blessed objects, living witnesses of such precious favour - let us towards Him, with happy souls - raise fervent songs.
2. Yes, our souls magnify Thee, - mighty God, God of love! - Our hearts trust in Thee - for time and for eternity. - Strength and goodness, grace and might - unite in Thee to bless us - thus the Church with assurance - awaits the eternal coming day.
No 7
1. Through Jesus Christ we offer Thee - a sacrifice of praise; - Through Jesus we adore Thee. - O Thou whom the angels adore! - O our God! be Thou blessed - by Thy gathered people!
2. We were, in our sins, - all children of wrath; - but snatched away from Satan, - in Thee we find a Father: - O our God! be Thou blessed etc.
3. Thou hast given us Jesus, - Thy heart gives us to Jesus: - in Him Thou hast chosen us - for the eternal crown. - O our God! be Thou blessed! etc.
4. He has promised, yes, soon - Thy holy Son will return to take us - to the home on high, - whence we love to wait for him - O our God! be Thou blessed etc.
5. Then shall we exalt Thee - in the glory and the light, - then we shall repeat - with Thine entire Church: - O our God! be Thou blessed etc.
No 8
1. Glory be to the Redeemer, - to the only begotten Son of the Father, - who, to save the sinner, - came down to this earth! - O Jesus! be Thou exalted throughout eternity! (2x)
2. Thou hast come, O most holy Lamb! - to suffer a cruel death; - but, triumphant over the grave - by Thine eternal power, - Thou hast destroyed all the power of hell and of death. (2x)
3. Thou who, full of love for us, - hast drunk the cup of suffering, - and given us, instead - the cup of deliverance. - O Jesus! be exalted in all eternity! (2x)
No 9
1. Glory to Jesus in the Church, - for His unspeakable love! - He has won her for Himself, - she is His for ever. - In His Father’s house - He will soon lead her in; - shining with His light, He will present her to Himself.
2. Glory to Jesus in the Church! - Only one more moment of sorrow - before she is admitted - where there are no more tears. - During this sojourn of life, - triumphant over the grave, - the bride, raptured forever - will bless the Lamb without end.
3. Glory to Jesus in the Church! - glory to our Redeemer! - with our sorrows He sympathises, - He bears us on His heart. - Time flees, the day is nigh, - may all in us show forth Jesus; - may He find us irreproachable, - and proclaiming His virtues.
No 10
1. Glory to the Lamb! Praise to the Redeemer! - in Him death has found its conqueror. - The enemy himself has recognised His power, - and the tomb yields obedience to Him. - Glory to Thy name, Lord Jesus! (2x) - Hell and death are conquered, are conquered, are conquered.
2. As the Christ, by men rejected, - is seated in heaven, shining with majesty, - the Church also, unknown by the world, - soon will be clothed with splendour. - Glory to Thy name etc.
3. Thou hast promised, Jesus, Thou wilt return; - soon Thou shalt appear to call for us. - Kings and overcomers, brought into the glory - we shall sing the hymn of victory: - Glory to Thy name etc.
No 11 (adapted, see Spiritual Songs Nº 98)
1. Gazing on Thee Lord, in glory, - while our hearts in worship bow, - There we read the wondrous story - of the cross its shame and woe.
2. Every mark of dark dishonour - heaped upon Thy thorn-crowned brow, - all the depths of Thy heart’s sorrow - told in answering glory now.
3. On that cross alone forsaken - where no pitying eye was found; - now to God’s right hand exalted, - with Thy praise the heavens resound.
4. Did Thy God even then forsake Thee, - hide His face from Thy deep need? - In Thy face, once marred and smitten, - all His glory now we read.
5. Gazing on it we adore Thee, - blessed, precious, holy Lord; - Thou, the Lamb, alone art worthy, - this be earth’s and heaven’s accord.
6. Rise our hearts, and bless the Father, - ceaseless song even here begun, - endless praise and adoration - to the Father and the Son.
No 12
To Him who has saved us - and whose blood has washed us - be dominion and splendour. - Worthy is the Lamb to receive - riches, honour, strength, power, - majesty, wisdom and might (2x).
No 13
1. Let us celebrate the Saviour’s love and might, deep humbling of himself and entire obedience. - He came and triumphed over all our enemies; - He, through His cross - subdued them forever (2x).
2. Let us celebrate the goodness of the Prince of life: - for us He suffered the cross and shame; - He has through His death delivered us completely; - we are the objects - of His most tender love. (2x)
3. Let us celebrate the Saviour’s perfect justice: - He has overcome the devil’s cunning craft; - He has conquered death, He is risen; - His glory is our glory - for eternity. (2x)
4. Let us celebrate, celebrate the infinite greatness - of Him who gave His life for us. - He is coming with splendour, and soon with our eyes - we shall contemplate Him - forever in Heaven. (2x)
No 14
1. Splendour of God, of God perfect image! - Eternal Son, by the angels adored! - Glory to Thy name, to Thee, who, unreservedly, - shall be forever honoured!
2. Thou camest from heaven offering Thyself in sacrifice, - and by Thee alone, God has been glorified: - His holiness, His love, His justice, - Thy cross has magnified them all.
3. And now, exalted by God Himself, - in the heavenlies, near the Majesty, - we see Thee girded with supreme glory, - Thee, Son of Man, resurrected Man!
4. We adore Thee, whose crown - reminds the heart of Thy suffering and death! - Lord Jesus! soon around Thy throne, - we shall praise Thee in everlasting harmony.
No 15
1. Thou dost bestow grace and glory, - O Lord our God, our Father in Jesus! - May Thy name be blessed in the midst of all the chosen ones, - whose happiness is to believe Thee. (2x)
2. Thou hast given us Thy grace - which, O God, causes Thy sweet peace to flow into our hearts; - happy, even here on earth, we have free access - to Heaven, where Thy face shines. (2x)
3. Thou hast set us apart for the glory! - which crowns the Lamb in the holy city: we shall be with Him in eternal bliss, - fruit of His atoning work. (2x)
4. God of grace and of glory! - Objects of Thy love, having Thy Spirit, - we come to worship Thee in the name of Jesus Christ, - our holy Redeemer. (2x)
No 16
1. To sing to Thee, God of love, of truth, of glory, - to worship Thee, to bless, to rejoice in Thee, - to celebrate the immortal victory of Jesus, - is our blessed portion, which our faith has grasped.
2. Oh! blessed be Thy name, Thy marvellous grace - has wonderfully reached over to us - we were lying in darkness, and now the sweetest rays of Thy face are shining in our hearts.
3. We are Thy children: Thy sweetest name of Father - fills us with happiness, assurance and peace. - Thy Spirit, pledge and seal, instructs and enlightens us, - and close to Thee we always have free access.
4. It is Thy love, Jesus, Thy death, Thy life, - by which we have received this unspeakable portion - may our hearts never forget - that it is to honour Thee that thou hast set us apart.
No 17
1. Unspeakable fullness of the Godhead - inexhaustible treasure (2x) of power and love! - Eternal Son! (2x) glory of heaven! (2x) - O Jesus in Thy peace, Thy beloved Church - adores Thee and humbles herself! (3x)
2. Thou art seated, O Jesus, at the right hand of the Father, - clothed with power, glory and with light (2x) - O Saviour God! (2x) With all our heart (2x) - bowed before Thee, we render Thee obedience, - wisdom, honour, power. (3x)
No 18
1. In heaven, upon the Father’s throne, - we see Thee, O Redeemer, - in rest and light, - girded with power and splendour. - The work of grace is finished: - Thou hast sat down in the holy places; - on high, glory is given to Thee; - all is submitted to Thee, O Son of God!
2. We triumph through Thy victory, - Lord Jesus, mighty Saviour, - on high, and in the glory - forerunner of the redeemed! - Yes, as to heaven, our hope rests forever securely in Thee - steadfast assurance of our hearts, - blessed object of our faith!
3. Homage to Thee, Head of the Church! - the Bride, object of Thy favour, - soon seated at Thy side, - without end, will bless her Lord. - O holy ecstasy, unspeakable joy! we shall joy in Thy beauty, - and in Thy love beyond telling - which will fill eternity.
No 19
1. God of love, God of all grace! - We love to gather - under the sweet gaze of Thy face, - to praise and bless Thee. - That in peace, in Thy presence, - true worship to Thee be rendered; - Bring gratitude to Thee - the sweet smell of Jesus’ name.
2. O Lord! cause our souls to be filled - with the sense of Thy unspeakable goodness, - and our hearts to burn - with Thy boundless love; - so that praise may overflow - from our hearts, through the Holy Spirit, - to sing Thy mercy - and Thy love in Jesus Christ.
3. We love to take the place - in which Jesus’ work has set us; - and we follow in His footsteps, - into heaven where Thou hast received Him. - It is there in Thy sanctuary, - constantly open to faith, - that the praise, O our Father, - through Jesus Christ rises to Thee.
No 20
1. How beautiful is the unity of Thy Church! - Lord Jesus, how it pleases Thee! - In Thy love Thou hast given Thyself for her: - Thy desire is to have her close to Thee in heaven.
2. When it is Thy heart, Jesus, which gathers us - around Thee, in Thy faithful love; - O! what happiness to worship all together, - and to show forth Thy death and Thy return!
3. What sweetness is in this worship by brethren - where the Holy Spirit is our guide! - In this harmony of hymns and prayers, - offered by all with one accord and one heart!
4. Yes, Lord, Thy presence is there, - giving joy and liberty for the heart, - and in peace, every faithful one realises, - its power and its reality.
5. And what will it be like in that day when, gathered, - in the heavens the Church shall see Thee! - Oh what rapture, what infinite joy, - when in the glory, she will adore Thee!
No 21
1. To feed on Thee, praiseworthy Redeemer, - Thou hast invited us again this day. - In the midst of the wilderness, Thou hast prepared this table, - which reminds us of Thy love. (2x)
2. Around Thee, Lord, Thy Church gathers - to announce Thy death until Thy return, - and we break the bread, we drink the cup, - which remind us of Thy love. (2x)
3. Ah! Our iniquity laid on Thy head - a load of sorrow unbearably heavy: - but now in peace we celebrate the supper - which reminds us of Thy love. (2x)
4. As we taste this bread, this cup, - our eyes look for Thee in that heavenly abode. - Soon, having finished our pilgrimage, - we shall understand all Thy love. (2x)
5. We bless Thee, Jesus, faithful, and tender Saviour! - In heaven it will be our turn to see Thee without a shadow, - and in the eternal glory we shall exalt - Thy boundless love. (2x)
No 22
1. Thou dost set before us, (2x) - Jesus, of Thy suffering for our deliverance - a very sweet remembrance. (2x) - Yes this holy table, O adorable Saviour, - recalls Thy love, Thy death and Thy return. (2x)
2. This cup and this bread (2x) - which Thy hand offers to us, of Thy unchanging grace - are true tokens. (2x) - In their mute language they tell throughout the ages, - to all the chosen ones, Thy love, O Jesus! (2x)
3. Let us sing with one heart (2x) - both the unspeakable grace, and the unsearchable love, - of our Redeemer! (2x) - With thankfulness may we give glory and power, - with one accord, to the slain Lamb! (2x)
No 23
1. Glory to the Lamb of God, (2x) - Who by His sacrifice, - in justice gives us, - access to the Holiest of holies! (2x) - Thou, adored by the angels, - accept the praises - of those who, through faith, are led to Thee. (2x)
2. Saviour always merciful! (2x) - We love to remember Thee - while awaiting the glory - of Thy coming. (2x) - May this hour come, - when taken to Thine abode - We shall tell of Thy goodness throughout eternity. (2x)
No 24
1. Lamb, atoning victim! - We consider Thy love, - Thy blood unto death and Thy victory - for us, Thy redeemed people. - Gathered around Thy table, - our hearts celebrate Thy love; - worshipping Thee, loving Saviour! - We await Thy glorious return.
2. Children of a guilty race, - we have found, through Thy cross, - perfect peace, unspeakable grace, - strength and happiness all together. - Gathered around Thy table, etc.
3. In Thee clothed with righteousness, - washed in Thy precious blood, - we recall Thy sacrifice, - which opened to us access to heaven. - Gathered around Thy table etc.
4. O Beloved! Cause Thy life - to shine down here in all Thine own, - may every one of them glorify Thee, - Thou who showerest us with all good things. - Gathered around Thy table, etc.
No 25
1. Before the Father’s throne - where the Majesty is seated, - our eyes, Lord, consider - Thy resplendent beauty. - The glory which crowns Thee - with its divine splendour, - shines on us and radiates - to the depths of our hearts.
2. But the glory of Thy face - is not the only attraction, - because Thine unspeakable grace - shines, O Jesus, in Thy features. - Grace brought Thee down - into a rebellious world, - where Thou camest to serve, and take - upon Thyself our iniquity.
3. The soul remains confounded - before this blessed love, vaster than space, - as deep as infinity; - and so our hearts desire - the time of Thy return, - to see, to fathom, to tell - the greatness of Thy love.
No 26
1. Saints, let us draw near and may, in our hymns, - with love, the Lamb be exalted! - He is victorious, He is risen; - let us all celebrate His magnificent glories, - we who are the objects - of all the love of Christ. (2x)
2. He gave Himself for us in sacrifice; - nothing stopped his unspeakable love - to save us from eternal darkness, - He came offering Himself up to the strokes of justice - oppressed, cursed - was Christ. (2x)
3. We worship Thee, atoning Victim; - Thou hast won all rights to our hearts; - remembering Thy death and Thy sufferings, - we await the day when in glory, - we shall appear - as the Bride of Christ. (2x)
4. We celebrate together at this table - Thy great love, holy Lamb once slain! - By Thee our hearts, safely harboured, - peacefully enjoy the unspeakable happiness - for which Thou hast paid - so much O Christ! (2x)
No 27
1. Before the throne of grace - we adore Thee O our God, - to enjoy Thy face, we have - access to the holy place through Jesus.
2. The bread of heaven, which satisfies, - has become our nourishment; - in Jesus we have life - which is eternal.
3. In return for the bitter cup - which He received from Thy righteous hand, - this Saviour humble and meek, - gives us the cup of salvation.
4. Soon at the voice of the
No 28
1. Thy children, under Thy loving gaze, - O God, gathered at this table, - happy to be set apart thus - celebrate Thy unspeakable grace. - Thy love is their only happiness; - it dispels all their fears; - and, under this divine embrace, - all their treasure is their Saviour.
2. Washed in Thy blood, O Jesus, - they are made white, without spot; - they once were lost - but now Thy bosom hides them - Who shall pluck them from Thine arms? - Who shall trouble their confidence, - when they have the firm assurance - that Thy love does not change?
3. For Thy redeemed, O Lord, - how sweet is Thy memory! - Yes, we recall with one heart - Thy suffering and Thy victory. - Divine Saviour, may Thy love, of which we have the token here, abide unreservedly in our hearts until Thy glorious return!
No 29
1. O divine favour! Inestimable treasure! - We know Jesus and His loving hand. - In His grace He took us from the midst of sinners, - to consecrate to God - true worshippers. (2x)
2. The Holy God found righteousness accomplished - in the last Adam, who alone glorifies Him: - He is His Beloved, the object of His desires, - Who in His perfect law - had all His delight. (2x)
3. O God! Thou gavest Him in Thy boundless love. - He accomplished all for our deliverance: - He is our righteousness and our sanctification, - His life is our life, - and for eternity. (2x)
4. From eternal days, O unsearchable mystery! - Thou hadst chosen us in Thine unspeakable grace; - and now, O God, Thy Spirit, every day, - reveals Thy Son to us - and Thy heart full of love. (2x)
No 30
1. O Jesus, holy Victim! - Thou camest down to this lowly place - closing the pit under our feet - into which we were falling far from God.
2. Thou camest, in our likness - to take upon Thee our griefs; - to save Thy creature, - Thou didst become the man of sorrows.
3. Thou only art our wisdom, - our life and our peace, - our refuge in distress, - our salvation forever.
4. O Saviour, ever faithful, - in Thee we shall abide - unto eternal life: - Thou livest Jesus! We also shall live.
No 31
1. To save the wicked, the Prince of life - suffered all the torment and the ignominy. - Glory to the Son of the Most High! - Glory to Thee, holy Lamb! - Possess our heart! it is Thy reward; - Thou hast purchased it, Saviour God, upon
2. Thy painful death abolished our crimes! - under our feet Thou hast closed the terrible pit. - Glory to the Son of the Most High! - Glory to Thee, holy Lamb! - We praise Thee, Lord, Thou whose sufferings - bought us peace, happiness, full deliverance.
3. Yes, to enrich us with Thyself, with heaven, - Thou didst deign to become poor, Thou, God supreme. - Glory to the Son of the Most High! - Glory to Thee, holy Lamb! - Receive from our heart, love and homage; - may it be, divine Saviour, Thine entirely.
4. With the goodness of Thy love, adorable Shepherd! - before us, every day, Thou preparest the table. - Glory to the Son of the most High! - Glory to Thee, holy Lamb! - Thy beloved, Lord, filled with greatest joy, - enjoy the care and tenderness of Thy heart.
5. We walk in peace toward our heritage! - Thou shalt be forever our true portion. - Glory to the Son of the Most High! - Glory to Thee, holy Lamb! - O divine Redeemer! to Thee who lovest us, - be strength, dominion, honour, supreme praise!
6. For all eternity we shall tell Thy glory, - Thy great love, Thy holy victory. - Glory to the Son of the Most High! - Glory to Thee, holy Lamb! - Possess our heart! it is Thy reward; - Thou hast purchased it, Saviour God, upon
No 32
1. Who shall celebrate, who shall understand, - the love which, from heaven, Jesus! brought Thee down - to this
2. It is not, Lord! Thy heavenly hosts, - nor Thy works, so widely spread; - nor the abyss of the sea, nor the heights of heaven, - which will be able to celebrate Thy marvellous love.
3. O Jesus! Thy love and Thy unspeakable grace, - who shall exalt them, but these guilty ones - which Thou Thyself hast made - kings and priests, - and for whom Thou hast tasted death and its terrors?
4. Yes, only Thy redeemed, with holy joy, - shall sing of Thy goodness, and bless Thy tenderness - Thou hast purchased them, Jesus, with Thy precious blood. - They shall be forever with Thee in heaven.
No 33
1. We see Thee in agony, - taking the cup of sorrows. - We see Thee giving Thy life, - Thou, just and holy, for us, sinners.
2. May Thy death, O holy Victim, - always be before our eyes! - Thy blood washed away our crime, - Thy blood alone opened heaven for us.
3. O Christ! Thy deep love - touches and penetrates our hearts, - Thou hast died for the sin of the world: - Thou alone art our Saviour God!
No 34
1. O Thou, who in heaven hast prepared the place, - which Thine own, with Thee, one day shall occupy, - we want to celebrate Thy righteousness and Thy grace, - Thy love, O Saviour, Thine unspeakable love. (2x)
2. Yes, Lord! We come into Thy holy presence - to enjoy the sweetness of communion with Thee; - and yet down here, we feel Thy absence... - awaiting the day of the reunion. (2x)
3. What a solemn moment for Thy holy assembly, - when Thou shalt introduce her into heaven! - With Thy peace, with Thy glory, she shall be satisfied - at the marriage supper, all of heaven witnessing. (2x)
4. While waiting, Lord, we take on earth - this supper, which Thy love prepared for us and here we proclaim Thy saving grace, - Thy sufferings, Thy death and Thy soon return. (2x)
No 35
1. Like a Lamb, Thou hast allowed Thyself to be bruised - for our sins, Thou the Saviour of the world. - O tender love! O deep love! - to save us, Jesus, Thou camest to die.
2. In that moment when our iniquity - made Thee suffer the most cruel pain, - Thy death broke our bonds and chains; - Thou hast obtained for us grace and blessing.
3. Amen, Lord! Amen, power, honour! - to Thee, Jesus, glory, wisdom, dominion! - from now on our hearts can say to Thee! - “Blessed be Thou, all-powerful Redeemer!”
No 36 (adapted, see Spiritual Songs Nº 69)
Thou, Lamb of God, didst shed Thy blood, - Thou didst our load of misery bear; - and hast exalted us to share - the rank of kings and priests to God. - To Thee we render evermore - The honour, glory, praise that’s due; - might, power, and glad obedience too, - and in our hearts we Thee adore - Amen! Amen! O Lord, Amen!
No 37
O holy and glorious Lamb! - Thou hast left the divine splendours - for a crown of thorns, - and hast redeemed Thy precious flock, - we strike up, here below - the sacred hymn of victory. - O! before the throne of glory, - when shall we sing of Thy love? - Come then, Lord! Amen! Amen!
No 38
1. O supreme love! (2x) - O deep humility! - The Son takes on our nature. He comes, bears the curse (2x) - and dies upon the tree - to save His creature.
2. But the Christ, Son of the mighty God, (2x) - for our sins put to death, - rises with power. - We, His chosen ones, celebrate (2x) - the triumph of Jesus: - His glory is our hope.
3. By Jesus Christ redeemed, (2x) - in Jesus raised, - let us sing with greatest joy! - O Lord! in the heavenlies (2x) - Thou art victoriously seated: - Glory to Thee, Glory forever!
No 39
1. We contemplate Thee in the glory, - O precious Saviour! - tasting the fruits of Thy victory, - powerful Saviour! Forever in the sanctuary, - at the right hand of God Thy Father, - Thou who camest down to earth, - humble Saviour!
2. For us Thou hast become a curse, - O precious Saviour - Thou hast suffered the utmost agony, - O precious Saviour! - Thy blood shed, Thy flesh bruised - purifies us from all sin... - through Thy death we have life, - tender Saviour!
3. We love to await Thee from heaven, - O precious Saviour! - hast Thou not said: I come to take you, - powerful Saviour? - O unspeakable happiness! - to see Thy adorable features - and to be like Thee, - divine Saviour!
No 40
It is Thee, Jesus, it is Thy grace, - Thy cross, Thy precious blood, - it is the look of Thy face, - which makes us righteous and happy. - Our souls, in peace, trust - in Thee, beloved Saviour, - the author, the source, the cause - of our eternal bliss.
No 41
1. O beloved Saviour, in Whom our souls hope! - from the power of death Thy death has delivered us: - Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (2x) - In Thy faithful love, (3x) - our joy is full.
2. Thy blood has washed us from all our offenses; - the glory of Thy heaven will soon receive us - Hallelujah! hallelujah! (2x) - Yes, already our faith (3x) - triumphs in hope.
No 42
1. Thou hast loved us unto death, - Saviour full of tenderness; - for us, Thou hast overcome Satan - even to his fortress. (2x)
2. O! how they weighed on Thee, - alone, in that dark hour, - the forsaking, the anguish and the terror - of our sins without number! (2x)
3. And now, the roar of the waters - which rolled over Thy head, - has given place to the divine rest - of Thy perfect work. (2x)
4. Around Thee, Thy redeemed, - still on this earth, - enjoy the bliss - of the Father’s house. (2x)
No 43
1. The Lamb of God, Christ dies - upon the cross; (2x) -immediately the veil is rent - at the cross (2x) - The holiest of holies is displayed, - access to God is opened to us - through Thee, Jesus, who offered Thyself - upon the cross. (2x)
2. Thou wast lifted from the earth - upon the cross; (2x) - for us Thou hast drunk the bitter cup - upon the cross. (2x) - “It is finished”, through Thy love: - the believer washed in Thy blood, - knows that he is saved forever - by the cross. (2x)
3. Amidst shame Thy glory shone - upon the cross; (2x) - the victory was Thine, Jesus - upon the cross. (2x) - To Thee, throughout eternity, - be strength, honour and majesty - for the triumph won - upon the cross! (2x)
No 44
1. Angelic notes, - harmonious choirs - harps and hymns, - fill the heavens! - In the vast universe, - may the new song - always be started afresh - around the Lamb!
2. In the midst of the throne - Thine own shall see Thee; - not a crown - is missing from Thy brow, - and Thy pierced hands - show both - Thy past suffering, - and the love of the cross.
3. O infinite grace! - Thou wast slain; - Thou gavest Thy life, - Thy blood flowed, - That in the sanctuary, - by all honoured, - our God, Thy Father, - may be adored.
4. Angelic notes, - harmonious choirs - harps and hymns - fill the heavens: - honour, strength and glory - homage without end, - to the God of victory, - to the divine Lamb!
No 45
1. Son of the most High, Thou, the Admirable one, - upon Thy brow shines in its splendour - the unspeakable love of the Father, - and the greatness of His glory. - Thy hand upholds the vast world -which Thy voice drew from nothingness; - all tells of Thy deep wisdom - and extols Thee, O mighty God!
2. In the bosom of the Father, in His presence, - His delight every day, - one with Him in His power, - one with Him in His love, - unsearchable mystery! - leaving the glory of the most holy place, - Thou didst want to come into a guilty world - to die, Lamb of God!
3. Supreme love, infinite grace! - We see Thee, divine man, - from the humble manger to the agony - following Thy painful path. - Stranger, hated on the earth, and even by Thine own forsaken, - at last Thou hast taken the bitter cup - in the
4. And Thou hast borne, holy Victim, - in those dark hours of the cross, - the judgement for our crime, - all the weight of divine wrath. - O Lord! we render to Thee glory. - For ever, in holy rapture, - our hearts shall sing Thy victory, - Thy love conqueror of death.
No 46
1. Pure, unsearchable love, being of God supreme, who, to reveal Himself, gave His very Son, - into this world, overtaken by the darkness of sin, our eyes could see Thee and our hands have touched Thee.
2. Thou didst shine at the cross, when during the three hours of darkness - which deepened the shadows upon a blind world, - the perfect Man, the Son of the holy God, of the powerful God, went through abandonment, wrath and death.
3. Thou hast suffered, O Jesus, Saviour, Lamb, Victim! - Thy infinite look searched the vast abyss, - and Thy infinite heart, under this momentary weight, - bore our eternal punishment.
4. He says: “It is finished”, bows His head, expires! - and lo suddenly the veil is rent; - washed, justified, perfect, we enter into the holiest, - into the full brightness of God’s face.
5. Ah! sovereign victory of heavenly love! - Thy cross shows forth the glory of the Holy Father, - and saves us, and fills our mouths and our hearts - with the eternal hymn of the true worshippers.
No 47
1. Thou, the eternal only Son, in the bosom of the Father, - delight of His heart in the heavenly abode, - before time was Thou hast thought of the earth, - to which Thou didst wish to descend and humble Thyself one day.
2. Thou hast found Thy delight with the sons of men, - Thou hast come in a body formed by God Himself; - humble child, Thou wast born lower than we. - O profound mystery, acclaimed by the angels!
3. Thou who hast searched our miserable state. - This abyss of evil in which we were submerged; - Thou hast given Thy life for us, O adorable Saviour! - Thy blood was shed to take away our sins.
4. O risen Christ! We sing Thy victory; - Thy God has crowned Thee with power and honour, - and Thou art calling for us, Jesus, to see Thy glory, - to be near Thee in eternal bliss.
5. Glorified Lamb! Tender Saviour! - O Thou who hast loved us with an infinite love! - Gathered together to Thy name and filled with greatest joy, - Lord, we worship Thee. Be thou forever blest!
No 48
1. O Thou whose heart loves us, - God full of grace and love! - We enter into heaven itself - to worship Thee in this day. - Thy family is gathered, - O Father, under Thy gaze; - in Thy Son Thou hast blessed us: - in Him Thou hast set us apart.
2. For Thy children, what glory - to contemplate the mighty God, - and to sing the victory - of Jesus Christ put to death! Thy family etc.
3. What grace, O tender Father, - to know Thy love, - while waiting upon the earth - for the return of Thy Holy Son! - He is coming: unspeakable happiness! Sing, - Church of the Lord, - soon you shall be like your powerful Redeemer.
No 49
1. To love Thee Jesus, to know Thee, - to rest upon Thy bosom; - to have Thee as friend, as Master, - and as drink and as bread; - peacefully to savour Thy grace; - to taste the holy benefits - of Thy death, powerful Saviour, - what an unspeakably sweet savour!
2. O unspeakable happiness, - to have Thee as Shepherd! Always tender and helpful, - Thy heart cannot change. - In Thy boundless love - Thou hast come down - to seek Thy sheep Thyself, and take them into Thine arms.
3. Thou dost fill us with Thy grace, - Thou knowest us by name; - Thou leadest us in Thy footsteps - toward the heavenly mansion - Thy desire is to enquire - about our weakness and ills. - What love! Thou dost continually want to forgive and to heal us.
No 50
1. Jesus is our supreme friend. - O! What love! - He loves us more than a tender brother. - O! What love! - Here family, friends, all passes away; - happiness appears and vanishes away; - His heart alone never wearies. - O! What love!
2. He is our eternal life. - O! What love! - let us celebrate His immortal work. - O! What love! By His blood our soul is washed: - In the wilderness He found us; - and in His grace He saved us. - O! What love!
3. He offered Himself in sacrifice. - O! What love! - To bless us is all His delight. - O! What love! - To His voice may our soul be attentive, - always in peace, never fearful, - near His heart quietly live - in His love.
No 51
1. Glory throughout the ages - to the great Saviour God! - To Him undivided dominion and honour! - May our souls , - in holy rapture, - ever exalt, proclaim the Lamb which was slain.
2. Our souls adore Thee - Thou who, in heaven - art glorified, honoured - by the eternal choir! - Crowned with honour - in the divine abode; - upon Thy brow shines grace and love.
3. Soon without a veil, - Thy splendour shall shine - radiant Star - risen in our hearts. - Oh! What joy! Our eyes shall see Thee, - and Thy saints shall unceasingly rejoice in Thee.
4. To Thee be the glory, - O eternal Son! - Thy death, Thy victory, - opened heaven to us. - To Thee who lovest us - for eternity, - supreme praise, - strength and majesty!
No 52
1. Form our hearts by Thy Spirit of love, - to desire Thy glorious return - and our eternal home, O Jesus, Prince of life! - Amen! Come, Lord, - crowned with glory and honour. - Appear in Thy splendour to the eyes of Thy saints.
2. Thou hast promised, yes, with our own eyes, - we shall see Thee appear in the heavens, - raptured into Thy holy presence, transformed into Thy likeness. - Amen! come Lord, etc.
3. What bliss for Thy chosen ones- in the brightness of Thy divinity! - What unspeakable delight! - ...already what sweet foretastes! - Amen! Come Lord! etc.
4. Come, Lord, come! ...it is the cry of faith - which the Bride sends up before Thee. - Expressions of love! ...May the Holy Spirit make them a reality in Thy Church. - Amen! come Lord, etc.
No 53
1. Mighty Saviour, who alone is our life, - bless Thy saints, strangers here below. - In Thee, Jesus, our souls trust: - may Thy love direct all our footsteps.
2. Ah! Keep us from turning towards the world - other glances than those of a traveller. - May we, fleeing the filthiness of sin, - Draw happiness from the living waters.
3. Fill our hearts with the sweet hope - of soon being forever with Thee; - and, until the day of Thy holy presence. - Ah! grant us to see Thee through faith.
No 54
1. In heaven, where the glory is promised, - our desire is to see Thee by faith. - Come, O Lord! Take away Thy Church! - Introduce her, close to the Father, with Thee.
2. It is there, Lord, that all is joy, - Songs of triumph, unspeakable pleasures; - There no more mourning, no more pain, nor sadness, - There no more worries, no more griefs, nor sighing.
3. There, close to Thee, we shall have no more storm, - There, we shall be sheltered forever, - a complete calm shall be our portion, - we shall enjoy eternal peace.
4. Lord Jesus! We love to wait for Thee; - towards Thee, we lift up our eyes. - O Redeemer! rise, come, take us, - and rapture us with Thee into heaven.
No 55
1. Our tongues proclaim - Thy soon return; - our hearts long for Thee, Bridegroom full of love. - Prince of life, - mighty Redeemer! - Thy Bride calls: Amen, come, Lord!
2. Soon, Thy glory - we shall inherit, - and by Thy victory we shall triumph. - Prince of life, etc.
No 56
1. Already for us shines the dawn - of an unending bliss; - Lord! But a few more moments, - and we shall all be in Thy bosom. (2x)
2. If time flees and carries us away, - near to the Leader of our faith; - toil will soon cease, - and being close to Thee is rest. (2x)
3. O happy day, when in Thy glory - to the eyes of Thine own Thou shalt appear! - with the shout of victory, Jesus, - Thou shalt take us to Thyself. (2x)
No 57
1. Lord Jesus, whose love is unbounded, - Thou, the brightness of the glory of God, - come! come! appear in Thy incomparable beauty! - Turned toward the holiest we wait for Thee.
2. Thou hast saved us, we are Thy workmanship, - and in heaven we shall serve Thee, - see Thee, Jesus, bear Thy image, - and forever adore Thee, and bless Thee.
3. Alleluia! What holy joy! - Behold the marriage of the Lamb is coming. - around Thee we shall sing without ceasing, - O Beloved, the new song.
No 58 (adapted: see Spiritual Songs Nº 179)
1. Brightness of the eternal glory, - shall Thy praise unuttered lie? - Who would hush the heaven sent story, - of the Lamb who came to die?
2. Came from God-head’s fullest glory, - down to
3. Sing His blest triumphant rising; - sing Him on the Father’s throne; - Sing till heaven and earth surprising, - reigns the Nazarene alone.
No 59
1. With one heart let us praise our God, our Father; - The hymns of the saints always please Him. - Let us celebrate His love while on this earth; - and let us rejoice in a perfect Saviour. (2x)
2. With one heart let us praise our God, our Father; - for we are washed in the blood of the Lamb, - the virtue of which, by the new way, gives us a free and sure access into the divine sanctuary. (2x)
3. With one heart let us praise our God, our Father; - our Leader has broken the bonds of death: - risen in Him, through Him our souls hope - to reach the happy haven of eternal salvation. (2x)
4. With one heart let us praise our God, our Father; - for us the Lord hath sat down in the heavenlies: His glorious rest after the bitter cup, - is the perfect peace of His dear sheep. (2x)
5. With one heart let us praise our God, our Father; - we await Jesus who is coming from heaven; - and by His great power will take us up from the earth - He wants to gather us with Him forever. (2x)
6. Yes, we praise Thee, our God, our Father; - God of peace, God of love, Whom our faith has apprehended. - In our weakness Thy grace enlightens us; - and having nothing in us, we have all in Thee. (2x)
No 60
1. O Jesus! How Thy name, for a faithful soul, - Is great and precious! - What love, what blessings, what grace, it brings to mind, - what a glorious salvation! (2x)
2. Thou, the Son of the Highest, Thou the Beloved of the Father, - Thou, the glory of heaven! - Thou camest from the midst of the light, to bring us - the gifts of Jehovah: (2x)
3. To sinners, to the children of a guilty race - and worthy of death, - Thou camest to manifest the ineffable favour - and the peace of the mighty God. (2x)
4. To Thee, Redeemer, our souls belong: - All in us is Thine. - Cause our hearts to burn with Thy love, - make us live by faith. (2x)
No 61
1. Hold us close to Thy heart, O Saviour of our souls! - Keep us in Thy peace. - Increase in us the flames of a holy fervour; - guide us forever. (2x)
2. To come near to Thee, is all our longing, - O holy Emmanuel! - Thy love is for us the source of life, - for it is eternal. (2x)
3. Glory to Thee, Redeemer! Thy faithful love - cannot deny itself; - Thou hast gathered us under Thy wing, - for eternity. (2x)
No 62
1. Yes, we have in heaven a good and tender Father, - whose decrees preceded time: - the Mighty God, the Almighty in whom our souls hope, - and who, from above, protects his children. (2x)
2. By His Beloved Son He poured His life into us, - Redeeming us by His precious blood. - He elected us for the infinite glory, - and Jesus only is the way to heaven. (2x)
3. Thy wisdom, Thy grace, and Thy power unite - to guide us to the blest abode. - O God! For us Thy care never fails: - by night, by day, Thou dost follow us with Thy gaze. (2x)
4. Tender compassion; strength in the day of trial, - grace and pardon, forbearance, sweet peace - from Thy heart full of love, flow out like a river - which is never exhausted or emptied. (2x)
5. For such great love, what can we render to Thee, O gracious Father? - Ah! Give us obedient hearts. - May the divine character, shine upon our brows - by Thy Spirit engraved upon Thy children. (2x)
No 63
1. In the pastures of Jesus feeding with assurance; - of the sovereign shepherd let us taste the boundless grace; - let us savour the waters which flow night and day. - From the throne Thy love established for us.
2. Let us rest peacefully in His rich pasture; - We have nothing to fear in the strong storm; - Jesus Christ is for us and always with us: - may we ever stay close to such a tender Shepherd.
3. For us His heart burns, that heart full of tenderness; - His strength is made perfect in weakness, - our powerlessness is our safety; - he who desires nothing apart from Him, can do all in His goodness.
No 64 (adapted, see Spiritual Songs Nº 498)
1. Perfect, eternal rest ever to serve, adore Thee! During the endless day, - Thee, Lord, Thy saints shall praise; rapt, in mute ecstasy, casting their crowns before Thee, prone at Thy feet they fall, anthems of joy to raise (2x)
2. Thee shall we contemplate - gaze on Thy face adoring, Saviour and Bridegroom - Lord, beauty supreme above! Sounding the soundless depths, measureless heights exploring - heights of Thy peerless grace, depths of Thy boundless love! (2x)
3. Jesus from Thee alone borrowing light transcendent - Sun, Thou, of righteousness, lending Thy lustrous rays - radiant, Thy bride shall wear, through the long age resplendant, glory immaculate - Thine own perfection’s blaze. (2x)
4. Us wilt Thou contemplate - pearl of Thy heart’s deep longing, travail of Thy lone soul, fruit of Thy wondrous cross! Then wilt Thou rest in love! Thou wilt rejoice in singing, - Rest in triumphant love, singing for joy o’er us. (2x)
No 65
1. Yes, complete well-being, - true happiness here below, - is to have Jesus for Master; to follow Him step by step.
2. Nothing can stop the flow - of His love with which the loves us, - He bought us for Himself - He is ours forever.
3. Never, His faithful love - will fail our wishes. - It is an eternal spring - which will never cease.
4. He desires that our hearts love Him, - without let, - for He is, unchanging in His love.
No 66
1. Incomparable treasure - tender and faithful friend! - Thou who alone wast able - to conquer the enemy! - Keep by Thy power - our spirits and our hearts, - Thou, who, by Thy presence, - dost fill us with gladness.
2. Delight of life, - imperishable bread, by which our soul - is satisfied in hunger! - In extreme weakness - Thy strength is made perfect, - and even in trial - Thy voice makes us rejoice.
3. O Saviour full of grace! - Give us each day, - in contemplating Thy face, to taste Thy love. - Without its sweet influence, life is like death; - to enjoy Thy presence - is the happiest lot.
4. Jesus, our wealth, - our only true happiness, - since, in our weakness, - Thou dost keep us, Lord, - from our hearts the adversary - cannot steal the peace, - nor from the love of the Father - ever separate us.
No 67
1. O Thou, who didst break our bonds, - Jesus Christ mighty Saviour! - In shame and in sorrows, - Thou dost comfort our hearts.
2. By Thy saving grace - the work is perfected in us; - and we are Thy reward, - O Jesus, heavenly Bridegroom.
3. Thou hast given us life: - may our souls every day, - to Thy yoke be subjected, - happy in Thy love.
No 68
1. Jesus come fill our souls with Thy love, - and make them burn by Thy flame night and day. - Precious Redeemer - now in heaven, - subject our hearts - to Thy sweet dominion; - may they, - Beat and long for Thee only Lord.
2. For Thine own Thou hast known - utter sorrow! - Thou hast suffered, Jesus! - and wast made a curse. - O Saviour, almigthy, - how great is Thy love! - Ah! May all our hearts, - seeing Thy tenderness, - praise Thee, O dear Saviour. - Exalt Thee without end!
3. For us all, in the holy place, - now Thou art praying; - Thy heart presents to God - Thy beloved sheep. - O sovereign Shepherd, - holding us in Thy hand, - may our hearts always - rest upon Thee, - committing to Thee, Lord, - all things in peace!
4. Thou dost feed Thy flock - with the riches of Thy grace. - Upon us Thou hast set Thy seal: - we shall see Thy face. - Supreme and good Shepherd - who cannot change, - may Thy divine love - fill our souls! - and in our hearts, the flame burn night and day.
No 69
1. Thy grace reaches, O Lord, unto heaven. - Thy truth rises unto the clouds; - by Thy love our souls are confounded - and will meditate Thy mysterious works.
2. Filled with the goodness of Thy love. - satisfied at the river of Thy grace, - make us walk in peace before Thy face, - serving Thee humbly every day.
3. The source of happiness; is in Thee, - in Thee who alone art love and light. - May Thy Spirit, without ceasing, O our Father! - lead our steps and keep our heart.
No 70
1. To live of Thee, source of every happiness, - to rejoice in Thy light, - to see Thee, for us, before the Father, - what sweet rest, Jesus, for our hearts!
2. The love of God gave us Jesus, - and through Jesus peace was made; - justice has been satisfied - it will no longer have any claim on us.
3. Oh! What happiness! Lord, through Thy goodness, - access to heaven is made easy; - and the christian, with a peaceful heart, - moves on, for he is redeemed.
4. Lord Jesus, should we not love Thee? - Thou who hast given Thy life for us! - Thou, whose infinite tenderness - comes every day directing our steps?
No 71 (adapted, see Spiritual Songs Nº 343)
1. O Lord, Thy love’s unbounded, so sweet, so full, so free; my soul is all transported whene’er I think on Thee.
2. And yet Thy love’s unchanging, and doth recall my heart to joy in all its brightness, the peace its beams impart.
3. Yet sure, if in Thy presence my soul still constant were, mine eye would, more familiar, its brighter glories bear.
4. And thus Thy deep perfections much better should I know, and with adoring fervour in this Thy nature grow.
5. Still sweet ‘tis to discover, if clouds have dimmed my sight, when passed, eternal Lover, towards me, as e’er, Thou’rt bright.
6. O keep my soul, then, Jesus, abiding still with Thee; and if I wander, teach me soon back to Thee to flee,
7. That all Thy gracious favour may to my soul be known; and, versed in this Thy goodness, my hopes Thyself shall crown.
No 72
1. Thou dost teach us, Thou dost comfort us, - during Thine absence, O Jesus! - For Thy Spirit and Thy word abide with Thine elect.
2. Thy voice is always to be heard - in Thy precious oracles, - and Thy Spirit, that we may understand them - touches our hearts, opens our eyes.
3. The memory of Thy great love - thus passed on among Thine own. - In the desert we see Thy glory - and taste the heavenly blessings.
4. Yes, this word of life - is like one of Eschol’s grapes, - its savour strengthens us, - in the midst of an arid ground.
5. But soon that sweet ministry - will end for Thy dear flock; - and face to face, in Thy light, - we shall speak to Thee, holy Lamb!
No 73
1. O Thou, who dost live in the highest heavens - God full of tenderness! - in love Thou art looking down upon Thy children. - God of glory and of love, - by Thy Spirit of truth, - Thou dost always lead us.
2. We know Thy sweet voice, - Jesus, faithful Shepherd; - At the cross Thou hast bought for us, - eternal life, - Lord, by Thy Spirit of love, - Thou dost pour out upon us each day - some new grace.
3. In a little while we shall see Thee - resplendant in glory, - and in Thy bosom we shall enjoy - the fruits of Thy victory. - Throughout all eternity, - we shall celebrate Thy goodness, - Thine atoning death.
No 74
1. Thou hast come down, Lord! from the eternal glory, - and desired to be our neighbour down here; - Thou stooped down to us in Thy divine love. - To heal the deadly wound in our hearts.
2. And soon, forever, in the Father’s house - by Thyself introduced, Thou wilt gather us. - We shall be with Thee; we shall see, resplendent, - Thy grace and Thy beauty in the pure light.
3. O Jesus, be praised! - the firm and sure expectation of our ravished soul is that blessed moment - when, we shall be clothed with glorified bodies, - and caught up to the eternal abode.
No 75
1. Let us sing, brethren, let us sing of our tender Father - His supreme goodness. - May in the midst of His saints, His lovely name, be exalted everywhere on the earth (2x)
2. Who should more than we, His adopted family, - celebrate His love? - Which angel can speak of it in a more vivid way - in the sacred abode? (2x)
3. Let us, then, celebrate Him, - who, wants to place us, one day, higher than the angels - Yes, to Thee, holy Father, be honour and praise - for Thy boundless love! (2x)
No 76
1. For us, Christians, O what happiness - when we shall see the face - of Jesus, our Redeemer, - in heaven where nothing passes away. (2x)
2. To be with Thee in the highest, - each bearing Thine image, - and tell with the blessed - Thy glory forever and ever! (2x)
3. To be with Thee, see Thy beauty, - to taste Thy tenderness, - to enjoy Thy rich goodness, - What boundless happiness. (2x)
4. For with Thee is that rest - which our heart hopes for, - divine end of all our work - in the house of the Father. (2x)
5. Let us listen to the voice of the Bridegroom - who tells us unceasingly: - “I come quickly! Be ye comforted”. - then no more sorrows. (2x)
6. Take courage then, O pilgrims! - let us lift up our heads; - hasten our steps, gird up our loins: - deliverance is at hand. (2x)
No 77
1. Lord! sanctify - our days, our moments; - make our lives - honour Thee continually. - May we be penetrated - by the happy influence - of Thy presence - in our midst.
2. May we always - walk by faith - and in distress - look up to Thee! - Happy is the one who rests - upon Thy mighty arm. - We have everything - when we have Thee.
No 78
1. Jesus! my Fortress and my Rock, - my great Deliverer! - What enemy can approach me - under Thy protecting arm?
2. Thy grace, O God, hath forgiven me, - and Thy heaven is mine. - Surrounded by Thy might, - I can do all things by faith.
3. Deliverance is in Thine arm, - and love in Thy heart. - What happiness! Forever Thou shalt be - my glory and my Saviour!
No 79
1. To walk in Thy presence, - faithful and tender Saviour, - in humble assurance - in Thine arm, in Thy heart, - seeking naught but to please Thee - in all that we do - it is heaven on earth, it is perfect happiness.
2. Thus, before Thy face, - we can, every day, - by Thy Spirit of grace, - taste Thy love. - Thou alone art our expectation, - O our Redeemer! - and our satisfied soul - finds in Thee its happiness.
No 80
1. In Thee, Jesus, my heart draws nigh joyful and without fear - to my God. - Before Him, through Thee, without blame, - I have free access to the holy place.
2. In Thee, Lord, I am at rest; - I know Thy tender and good heart. - That faithful heart is my refuge, - Thy precious blood my ransom.
3. In Thee, Lord, I do not fear - any danger in the wilderness. - Where Thy steps have shown me the way, - Thy love covers me.
4. I am in Thee, should death come, - I can expect it without fear: - my life is bound to Thine, - and like Thee I shall live again.
No 81
1. Every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights; - He answers my prayers, - He loves to bless.
2. Father of mercies, - Thou dost sustain me every day; - by Thy grace Thou dost grant me - to know Thy love.
3. Oh! What ineffable love - I find, O God, in Thy heart! - Oh! What unsearchable love! - What treasure for the sinner!
4. Ah! in Thy holy abode - I may draw nigh to Thee; - Should I live or should I die, - Thy heaven is open for me.
5. Glory to Thee, my God, my Father, - Thou who hast first loved me! - to Thy heart my soul is dear; - possess me entirely.
No 82
1. Who else have I in heaven, - who else on this earth - but Thee, my Saviour, - my Shepherd, my guide, the friend of my heart?
2. Who else would, - who else could, - seeing me suffer, deliver me from anguish and succour me?
3. In Thee, Saviour God, - I have peace of heart; - Thou hast done all for me; - and upon Thy justice my faith is founded.
4. For me, what happiness - to know, Lord, - As I know it, - that Thou art favourable to me, that Thou hast made peace for me!
5. Eternal salvation, - is the prize, the goal, - towards which I run; - Lord, to reach it, to Thee I turn.
6. I live then in peace, - for I know - that, even in death, - Christ is my shelter, my support, my fortress.
No 83
1. Thy words, always faithful, - Lord, will never change; - and my soul, believing them, henceforth - has nothing to fear.
2. I know, sweet thought! - Yes I know it, - none of Thy sheep will be forsaken: - mighty Shepherd, Thou hast promised it.
3. Objects of Thy supreme love, - they rest in Thy bosom; - neither the world, nor hell itself, - shall pluck them out of Thy hand.
No 84
1. Lord, Thou dost direct my steps - toward heaven, my home; - my God, Thou dost not forsake me - in Thine infinite grace. - Toward me , in Thy favour - Thy love shines, O my Saviour, - my treasure and my life.
2. Ah! without the walk of faith, my life is dull: but, O my Saviour, in Thee, - in Thy mighty virtue, - is my refuge, and my shelter, - and every day Thou dost show me - Thine overwhelming favour.
3. Until the day when I shall see Thee - in eternal glory - when in Thy bosom I shall exalt - Thine atoning death, - Thou wilt be my portion and my fortress, - my gain in life and in death - my joy and my victory!
No 85
1. Meek Master - who hast carried my sorrows, - I am Thy recompense - for all Thy travail. - I was miserable, - but I am Thine: - Thine unspeakable grace - did all for me.
2. In Thy mercy keep - my soul forever, - in the enjoyment - of Thy sweet peace; - uphold me in weakness, - when languishing heal me, - and keep me always - near to Thy heart.
No 86
1. I know, that perfect joy - which Thy Spirit, O Jesus sheds into a heart; - I am happy, yes my soul is contented, - since I know in Thee I have my Saviour.
2. Thou hast loved me, vile creature, that I am - even to offer Thyself, a victim for me; - Thine own blood has washed away my stain, - and by Thy death, I live for Thee.
3. What then could I desire on earth, - since I am the object of Thy love, - since, from early morn, Thy grace daily goes before me O meek Saviour.
4. If on my pilgrim journey, - trial and sorrow, cross my path, - can I forget, during this short stay, - that one, redeemed, is not an orphan?
5. Yes, Beloved, ’tis Thee, Thy tenderness, - that leads me step by step under Thy gaze, - could I then groan in sadness - on my way to the heavenly abode.
6. Ah! that my soul pursuing its course, - may rejoice, O God, in Thy fellowship; - yes, that my heart, full of strength and joy, - may peacefully taste, the unction of Thy Spirit.
No 87
1. The Lord is my portion, my salvation, my drink; - He has appointed my lot in a goodly inheritance, - awake, my tongue! rejoice, my heart! Strike up a song of love: Jesus is Thy Saviour!
2. Rebel, I lived among the rebels, - but the Lord saw me from the eternal vault; - He came from heaven to save the sinner: - rejoice, my soul, in Jesus, Thy Saviour!
3. How good to have Thee, Lord Jesus, as our sacrifice, - Shepherd, friend, salvation, rightousness! - How sweet the peace with which Thou dost fill the heart! - rejoice, my soul, in Jesus, Thy Saviour!
No 88
1. Lord, it becomes Thy saints, and despite their weakness, - to tell of Thy kindness and exalt Thy tenderness, - Thou hast redeemed us by Thy precious blood, - and we are walking in peace toward the heavenly abode.
2. Yet a little while, pilgrims on earth, - despised by the world, but children of Thy Father, - we move on in peace until the happy moment - when we shall see Thy face at Thy coming again.
3. By Thy grace, O Lord, partakers of Thy glory, - in heaven, we shall celebrate Thy victory, - see Thee, worship Thee, object of our faith, - after having suffered and triumphed through Thee.
No 89
1. O Redeemer, O supreme love, - O good Shepherd, whose voice I know! - for Thy sheep, in greatest tenderness, Thou hast allowed Thyself to be nailed to the cross.
2. Am I cast down, tired, discouraged? - With one look Thou dost heal all my woes, - and, whilst feeding me in Thy rich pasture, - Thou dost enrich me with gifts ever new.
3. Am I thirsty? In Thy faithfulness, - thou dost lead me near the flowing stream; - I find in Thee the springing well, - which quenches my thirst unto eternity.
4. Thou art the One, Lord Jesus, who restorest my soul: - every moment I prove Thy love. - Thou hast saved me from the eternal flame, - in order to lead me to the heavenly abode.
5. Thy cross, Thy death and Thine infinite grace, - are the bliss of Thy sheep; - O Redeemer! perfect, magnify, - Thy great strength in my weakness.
6. I shall sing of the glory and benefits. - Of Thy salvation, of Thy great love, - Faithful Saviour! O my only hope! - Thy heart guides me to paths of peace.
No 90
1. O that I might, O my God, God of my deliverance, - fill heaven and earth with Thy praise, - take them as witnesses of my thankfulness, - and tell the whole world how happy I am!
2. Happy when I listen to Thee, and when that Word - which said: “Let there be light!” and there was light, - comes down to me, instructs and comforts me, - and tells me: “This is the way of salvation.”
3. Happy when I talk to Thee, and from the dust, - I raise to Thee my homage and my prayer, - with the freedom of a son before his father, - and the holy trembling of a mortal before God.
4. Happy when, gathered, Lord, before Thy face, - with Thy redeemed ones I adore Thee on Thy day; - when we go together to the throne of grace, - from which answers of love come down upon us.
5. Happy, always happy! I have God Almighty as Father, - Jesus Christ as Saviour, and the Holy Spirit as Counsellor! - What can hell take away, what can earth give, - to one who enjoys heaven and the just and holy God?
No 91
1. Christians, let us magnify and praise together - the lovely name of the Saviour! - All we His beloved, Whom he saves and gathers together. - Let us celebrate the Lord, (2x)
2. The Angel of the Lord, encamps His children around with might, - He guards and sustains them, He is their deliverance - in their impending dangers, (2x)
3. We taste, Lord, in Thy sweet presence, - Thy divine goodness. - Oh! how happy is the man who puts his confidence - in Thy faithfulness. (2x)
No 92
1. In Thee, Saviour God, - in full confidence - my heart is resting. - Thy longsuffering patience - and thy great mercy - show me, every day, - the care of Thy love.
2. How sweet, O my God, - to have Thee for Father! - Thy goodness follows me everywhere. - Yes, Thy grace enlightens me, - Thou dost accept my prayer, - Thy gaze is upon me, - and Thou dost sustain my faith.
3. Thy love, Thy peace - and Thy perfect joy - are mine forever. - Before me unfolds - the happy and sweet way, - the glorious path - which leads to heaven.
4. Lead me by the hand. - Sustain, in my weakness, - my faltering steps, - O God! May Thy tenderness, - Thy strength and Thy wisdom, - surround Thy child - with divine help.
No 93 (adapted, see Spiritual Songs Nº 70)
1. Lord, our hearts are burning - for the glorious day, - when at Thy returning - all shall own Thy sway. - Chains shall break before Thee, - mighty King of Kings; - angels will adore Thee, - while creation sings.
2. Tender, loving Saviour, - Lamb that once was slain, - Saints will through Thy favour - never weep again. - Gently Thou wilt lead them - where the river flows, - on its banks wilt feed them - in divine repose.
3. Prince of life and glory, - shine before our eyes, - and let Calvary’s story - sound through earth and skies; - Lamb of God, receive us - to yon peaceful shore; - come again, Lord Jesus, - reign for evermore.
No 94
1. The eternal, unsearchable love - of Jesus Christ, - the blood shed for me the guilty one, - by Jesus Christ, - redeems me from my misery, - wrests me from death, from the earth, - imprints upon me the character - of Jesus Christ.
2. Who lifts me up when I fall? - It is Jesus Christ. - Who sustains my soul in its struggles? - It is Jesus Christ. - Jesus has spoken: I want to believe - that I can strive for His glory; - for my shield, my victory, - is Jesus Christ.
3. I am going to my Father, and my way - is Jesus Christ; - I am happy, and my joy - is Jesus Christ; - and if, even in suffering, - my heart speaks to me of hope, - it is because I have put my trust - in Jesus Christ.
4. Saved, I glory - only in Jesus Christ; - both for earth and heaven, my life - is Jesus Christ. - Soon, farewell, mortal things! - Far from you I will take my flight - toward the eternal abode, - toward Jesus Christ.
No 95
1. Jesus is in heaven, - our Life, our Advocate, our Head, our Bridegroom, - Jesus in whom our souls trust. - Oh! What glory and happiness for us!
2. He has gone to prepare us a place; - and from the heavenly and blessed abode, - He makes us partakers of His Spirit of grace, - and of the effects of His most tender love.
3. Let us all follow Him with a holy zeal; - may our hearts not be fixed on things here below; - This Saviour God Himself is calling us, - and our true riches are hidden in heaven.
No 96 (adapted, see Spiritual Songs No 151)
1. Lord Jesus, when we think of Thee, - of all Thy love and grace, - our spirits long and fain would see - Thy beauty, face to face.
2. And though the wilderness we tread, - a barren, thirsty ground, - with thorns and briars overspread, - where foes and snares abound.
3. Yet in Thy love such depths we see, - our souls o’erflow with praise - Content ourselves, while, Lord, to Thee - a joyful song we raise.
4. Our Lord, our Life, our Rest, our Shield, - our Rock, our Food, our Light; - each thought of Thee doth constant yield, - unchanging, fresh delight.
5. Blest Saviour, keep our spirits stayed, - hard following after Thee, - till we, in robes of white arrayed, - Thy face in glory see.
No 97
1. In the midst of weakness - we look up - where God, full of tenderness, - keeps our treasure. - Into His sanctuary - we have free access; - for us He is a Father, - He is the God of peace.
2. In the midst of suffering - we look up, - from where Christ, with power, - will soon descend again: - yes, the faithful Saviour - will rapture all His own; - Thy church calls Thee: - O Lord Jesus! Come.
3. Glory to Thee, our Father! - Glory to Thee, Holy Lamb! - For us, no more misery, - when we look up. - Revive our life, - rekindle our faith, our love; - let our delighted souls - await Thy return!
No 98
1. Great God, we worship Thee; in the midst of our night, - Thou in mercy hast made the day to shine. - Thy love has forever placed in our hearts - Thine unspeakable peace, - gift of Thine infinite grace.
2. The threat of the law was removed, - when Thy Son took upon Himself all our sins; - and to Thy happy children, - triumphant by faith, - Thou hast granted Thy pardoning grace for their many sins.
3. Thy love, Lord, Thy love makes available - all the succour of the Spirit, the treasures of Thy peace. - We have free access - to Thy divine benefits, and the shadow of Thy hand protects us and covers us.
4. Towards the mark, O Jesus, lead us in Thy footsteps; - make us await in peace Thy glorious return: - object of Thy love, - we go to the abode - where our names are written, our places won.
No 99
1. Blessed be the Lord, our God, our Father, - who daily loadeth us with benefits. – He loves us much more than the most tender mother: - nothing can match His unspeakable love.
2. O God of love! Thou hast made that margellous love – to break forth in the precious gift – of the Redeemer, Jesus, Thine only begotten Son, - whose death on the cross secured for us thy forgiveness.
3. Thou art shedding Thy love, only good, only wise God, - into our hearts, by thy spirit, whom Thou hast given us; - He is in us, bearing constant testimony – to Thy grace in Jesus, who hath forgiven us.
4. In the name of this love, faithful and tender Saviour, - keep us in Thy peace until Thy return; - make us watchful to pray and wait for thee, - and make us ever abide in Thy love.
No 100
Let us lift up our eyes towards Jesus, - soon this glorious Saviour - will again descend from heaven. - In this blessed expectation, - may our souls be watchful: - let us be ready, fearing to sleep. - Christians, the Saviour is coming.
No 101
1. God loves us: let us rejoice! - His matchless love embraces us all. - Let us proclaim His glory, taste His favour, - and sing of the victory of our Saviour.
2. O God our Protector! - Thou seest our needs; - in Thy tender care, - Thou showest Thyself as father.
3. As we journey on, - Thou art watching over all our steps; - when we are weary, - Thou sayest “Be of good cheer”!
4. Thy Spirit of grace - sustains our hearts, - makes us to see Thy face, - O our Saviour.
5. O our hope, - God of love! - Our confidence - is in Thy goodness. - Let us proclaim His glory etc.
No 102
1. Let us move on, joyful, always joyful, - towards the abode of all the blessed, - towards the dwelling where Jesus prays for us; - let us walk, walk on, there is our homeland; - let us move on, joyful always joyful, - towards the abode of all the blessed.
2. Hymns of love will resound in heaven: - what sweet harmony, hymns of the blessed! - We shall join in the holy chorus - when we shall have reached our homeland. - Let us move on, joyful, always joyful, - towards the abode of all the blessed.
3. Yes, we wait for Thee from heaven, Lord, - for our hearts belong to Thee. - “Come, Lord Jesus!”, is the cry of the church; - “receive us into the promised glory.” - There we shall be joyful, always joyful: - it is the abode of all the blessed.
4. Soon we shall be happy, in heaven, - singing the glories of the Lamb; - in that beautiful place will be neither sorrowing, - crying, tears, nor sin. - With Jesus, joyful, always joyful: - in His love we will be blessed!
No 103
1. God never forsakes - the one who trusts in Him; - if the world oppresses me, - He is my stay. - God, faithful and good, - keeps His own in His peace - for eternal life, - and lavishes them - with blessings.
2. Knowing that He loves me, - I commit myself to His care: - much better than I - He knows my needs. - Would God full of tenderness - confound my faith? - No; the more evil oppresses me, - the nearer He is to me.
3. My God, whose face - always shines upon me, - grant me the grace - to live completely for Thee. - Until that day I am called - to be received into Thy bosom, - make me walk faithfully - in Thy path.
No 104
1. Thou dost love us, Lord, as the Father loves Thee; - Thine almighty love covers our wretchedness - and sustains our feeble hearts. - O Jesus, Thou hast given Thy cleansing blood. - In love for us Thou didst lay down that life - which in love Thou hadst assumed, Lord!
2. And when Thou wast about to lay down Thy life, in that solemn hour, - Thou didst say: “Love one another, as I have loved you.” - Give us to love like Thee. - Grant us always to contemplate Thee by faith, - so that in Thine own, the world might recognise - Thy life and Thy love.
No 105
1. Happy is he who seeks - only to follow the Lord in peace! - Jesus gently - draws him - and all works together - for his happiness.(2x)
2. The good Shepherd who calls him - frees him from every bond. - Ever faithful - He strengthens him; - and enriches him - with renewed zeal.(2x)
3. Thine arm, Lord, protects him: - he finds in Thee his support. - Satan besets him, - but every snare fails. - For Thy face - shines upon him.(2x)
No 106
1. I shall never want, - for the Lord is my Shepherd. - I live happily under the staff - of Him who cannot change. - I know, Jesus, that Thou hast placed me - amongst Thy beloved sheep.
2. Thou hast given peace to my soul: - I know how much Thou hast loved me. - I know that while passing through flames - I shall not be consumed. - Thou hast Thine eyes always upon me: - Ah! fix mine upon Thee.
3. Lord, when I come near to Thee, - my heart no longer knows fear. - Thy grace is a high rock, - a sure refuge for me. - Thou hast taken me, Jesus, into Thine arms; - Satan will not pluck me out of them.
No 107
1. Children of God, let us continually live - in the love which unites us; - it is the eternal wealth of those - whom the Saviour blesses.
2. Satisfied from the same spring, - let us together be of one heart; - let us follow our happy course, - having our eyes fixed on the Saviour.
3. Lord, revive us; - Lord, increase our faith; - and may the harmony of our hearts - arise like music to Thee!
No 108
Let us rejoice, Christians, (2x) - Jesus will soon make His glory shine in His own. - Yes, Lord, Thou art coming, (2x) - to gather us to Thyself, - and make Thy victory perfect.
No 109
1. The Church is but a stranger - here below: - the place of misery, - trouble, conflict. - But, by His mighty hand, - Jesus will rapture her - to heaven where, triumphant, - she will be forever. (2x)
2. Yes, rest is at hand; - the conflict will soon end. - Let us lift up our heads, - for Jesus is coming. - He is the Son of the Father, - the eternal Saviour, - whom we await from heaven. (2x) - as we go on our earthly path.
3. Dawn is already breaking; - brethren! Let us awake: - only a few more moments - and we shall see the Bridegroom. - May we, blessed souls - rejoice in our Saviour, - and through the Spirit of life - repeat: “Come, Lord Jesus!” (2x)
No 110
1. When shall we see - the heavenly
2. Clothed in white, the redeemed - will see the glory of Christ. - Raised by His power, - they will tell forth His loving-kindness. - Celebrating His victory, - His atoning work, - around His throne, with them, - we shall render to Him our all.
3. If in heaven, the holy angels - bless the Lord with one heart - for one sinner who repents, - what rejoicing - there will be - over the deliverance - of all His beloved flock - then triumphant over the grave!
4. One day, at last, - by divine love, - we shall all be gathered together in
5. When the dawn of that great eternal day - shall break forth, - all perfected in unity - and in love, - to Him, whom we adore, - we shall say again and again: - worthy is the Lamb to receive - strength, dominion and power! - O what perfect happiness! etc.
No 111
1. Thine infinite grace, - O God of mercy, - is worth more than life - to Thy redeemed. - Children of light, - let us praise every day - our tender Father, - for He is love.
2. Thy grace O good Father, - to the eyes of the elect, - appears in Jesus - in the sanctuary.
3. Thy divine grace - towards us is sweet - and effective in our feeble hearts, - as we journey on.
4. Ah! May Thy grace, - God of love, - abound in us already in this world - and in eternity! - Children of light - let us praise every day - our good Father, - for He is love.
No 112
1. Between two malefactors, - as the holy suffering One, - Jesus died. - But, the only righteous One of the three, - in enduring the cross, - He broke the power - of the strong man.
2. Jesus His own have seen Him, - risen and ascending to heaven. - Christian, behold your Captain, - He directs your ship; - His strength, - do you know it, - is your resource.
3. From heaven Jesus will come; - He will take us to heaven: - let us live for Him. - He says “I come quickly”, - let us hold fast that good deposit. - Let us watch; already the night - is quickly passing.
4. Jesus, until that day, - form our hearts - for heaven, Thy dwelling place. - Protect us in conflict; - guide our steps to the goal; - in joy or in sorrow - make us victorious.
5. O God! Keep Thine own; - shower them with Thy goodness; - sustain their faith. - To serve Thee and live in peace, - to respond to Thy goodness - and depend on Thee for all things, - this is our joy.
6. To love and adore God, - to keep ourselves ever - under His gaze; - to love and serve Jesus, - to proclaim His virtues - and follow His banner, - this is our lot.
No 113
1. While in heaven my place is ready, - here below I have peace of heart. - Far from billows and storm, - I rest my head - on the blessed bosom of my Saviour.
2. There, on high, in the Father’s house, - in Thee, Jesus, I have all good things, - all the treasures of the sanctuary. - Lord, in Thy face I have light; - Thy glory and Thy love are mine.
No 114
1. In peace we can follow Thee, - Jesus, in the lowly path - where Thou hast deigned to live - unknown by men, - having no one with Thee, - sowing benefit upon benefit - in that path where the heart - of the Perfect Man shines.
2. What blessings this path opens up to us! - What treasures of love! - God Himself sees in it - nothing but light and holiness. - Henceforth, by Thy grace, - born of God to be Thine, - we can follow Thy footsteps - blessed object of faith.
3. If our flesh is consumed - in anguish and labour, - if we taste bitterness - in following Thee, O Saviour, - in spite of our infirmity - our eyes rest upon Thee - to reflect something - of Thy holy humanity.
4. But the path ends - in that glorious land - where the divine countenance shines - of the victorious Man. - There perfect, in Thy presence, - adoring, glorified, - Jesus, in Thy likeness - we shall be satisfied.
No 115
1. In the wilderness where I pursue my course - towards the land where I must dwell, - let me not count the cost of any trouble or labour, - since it is heaven I shall inherit.
2. My Redeemer, O Guide in whom I hope, - protect me from the burden of the day; - during the night, may Thy light shine upon me, - and keep me ever in Thy love.
3. Every morning, Thy faithful love - sends from above my daily bread; - and when, in the evening I fall asleep under Thy wing, - Thou preparest the morrow.
4. O my Rock! The pure water of Thy grace - flows towards me, to quench my thirst; - may Thy Holy Spirit ever - keep my heart from murmuring.
5. Soon, for me the end of the journey - will usher in the time of rest; - and the sure testimony of the Lord - shall keep me through the great waters.
6. O my homeland, land of promise, - moved, from afar, my heart has greeted thee! - Transported in holy joy, - O God, may Thy name forever be praised!
No 116
1. The Lord alone is my strength and my life: - who can harm me and what have I to fear? - His infinite might is my support: - can mortal man frighten me?
2. Should a whole army come upon me and surround me, - my heart, why should there be any alarm? - even if in this peril all support fails me, - I have my Saviour, His arm is my strength.
3. Should I be neglected by the most tender mother - and no longer have any human refuge, - the Almighty, my faithful and kind Father - will take me by the hand to save me.
4. Thus, my soul, in the depth of suffering, - await from God grace and help; - hope in Him against all hope: - His mighty arm will always strengthen thee.
5. Christ is my peace, my salvation and my glory; - He is my fortress, and the leader of my faith; - by His love I shall obtain the victory: - I fear nothing, Jesus is with me.
No 117
1. Thy divine tenderness, - Jesus, mighty Shepherd, - surrounds me in my distress, - shelters me from danger. - Upon Thy heart Thou dost bear me, - when weak and often wearied; - Thy gentle and strong hands - enfold me.
2. Ah! Thy two hands, - pierced by the nails and bleeding, - wounded by man, - when Thou didst die for us. - These hands which always bear - the reminder of Thy sufferings, - remain outstretched - to bless.
3. Example which none can imitate, - Saviour with a human heart full of compassion, - faithful and ready to help, - perfect in meekness, - humble of heart, we can follow - without fear and dread, - close to Thee I will live, - heart which suffered for me.
No 118
1. Who shall ever condemn us, - we, chosen unto eternal life? - who shall even accuse us, - we, whom God justifies? - The Son of the Father, - dead and risen, - girded with light, - hath ascended to the heavens; - for our weaknesses and sorrows - He Himself intervenes, - and we are more than conquerors - in Him who loves us.
2. Jesus Christ has redeemed us - from eternal death; - we are already risen in Him, - and He calls us to heaven. - Sweet assurance - to dwell in the holy place! - Fondest hope - of God’s beloved ones! - To the King of ages, immortal, - who only is great, good, wise, - be praise, eternal honour, - love, might, homage!
3. Oh! When shall we see that day - in which Jesus Christ our Lord - who is to come from heaven - shall appear? - Holiest day, - end of our labours! - Faith crowned, - delightful rest! - Christian, yet a little while, - and the Lord of glory - shall come and give to these who have fought - the eternal victory.
No 119
1. Saved from a land of bondage - where the night of sin reigns, - we are led, O God, - by Thy Spirit, towards our inheritance.
2. Filled with a joyous hope, - we go on towards the city - where we shall forever have - glory, peace, and perfect happiness.
3. There will cease our tears, - labours, thirst, and hunger; - There no more dangers, no more fears: - but perfect peace and endless happiness.
4. Joined together with the immortal company, - in pure love, and with rapture, - we shall tell Thine eternal glory, - Holy Lamb, put to death for us.
No 120
1. Come, children of God, filled with greatest joy, - let us draw peace, and grace at the well of living waters; - let us tell forth the benefits, and exalt the tenderness - of the Redeemer who heals all our ills.(2x)
2. We shall celebrate Thee, Lord, in our hymns, - we who know the extent of Thy love; - Thou hast done marvellous things for Thine elect: - we shall bless Thy name every day.(2x)
3. We adore Thee, Jesus, loving Redeemer, - Thou who hast saved us by Thy precious blood. - On earth we sing of Thine unspeakable love - of which we shall sing forever in heaven (2x)
No 121
1. O holy ecstacy, deepest joy, - when Jesus will return, when forever, - far from the world, - the Church will go towards her Bridegroom.(2x)
2. O what a moment, when Christ shall usher us in, - before God His Father; - when glorious, He shall bring us - into His beautiful sanctuary.(2x)
3. In the heavenly place, - we shall hear only hymns of happiness; - all will tell the effects of His grace - and the love of the Saviour.(2x)
4. Come from heaven, our souls desire Thee; - we love Thee, come to us! - Now for a long time Thy redeemed sigh: - come, adorable Bridegroom!(2x)
No 122
1. Thy saints here below, - surrounded - by conflicts, - and subject - to infirmities, - are borne on Thy heart, - in heaven itself, - O our great High Priest.
2. Full of sympathy, - of tender lovingkindness, - Thou dost never forget, - any redeemed one. - Thou dost help us, - in every conflict, - and art pleading for us, - Divine Advocate.
3. For every defilement, - Thou dost gird Thyself, - and wash with pure water, - the feet of Thy saints, - Thou dost say to the faithful, - “Be the imitator - of the perfect Model, - the true Servant”.
4. Fruits of Thy victory, - saved through faith, - when Thine own in glory, - will be with Thee, - in the heavenly courts, - under the Father’s eye, - Thy love remains for us, - eternal service.
No 123
1. What grace, O Lord, to be called Thy brethren, - and to await in peace Thy return! - Thou hast delivered us from all our woes: - our only claim is Thy love. (2x)
2. Thou hast cleansed us from defilement by Thy blood, - and brought down peace into our troubled hearts, - O Jesus, bread of heaven, divine food, - by Thee we shall live forever. (2x)
No 124
1. Conqueror of Satan and of the world, - the Son of God comes forth from the grave: - the fairest day succeeds, - the horrors of the darkest night. - No more terror, no more distress! - O Christians, redeemed people, - with holy happiness, - let us sing of Jesus risen.
2. The day is coming, unspeakable joy! - When this body shall rise; - now sown corruptible, - it shall rise in glory. - Yes, our weak, miserable bodies, - suddenly glorified, - by Thee, Lord Jesus, will be made like unto Thy glorious body.
3. Already now, by Thy life, - Lord Jesus, we are risen; - in Thee, by Thine infinite grace, - we have ascended into heaven; - while awaiting Thy day of glory - which is about to burst, - counting on Thee for the victory, - we fight the good fight.
No 125
1. Toward
2. This glorious hope - revives our discouraged hearts. - Oh! What a happy prospect - to be soon with Jesus! - Let the Church, etc.
3. Those who sleep, from the dust - will hear His voice with us; - and with us will go far from the earth, - to meet the Bridegroom. - Let the Church, etc.
No 126
1. Oh! How sweet to love God as a Father, - to go directly to Him without fear, - to travel one’s earthly path, - always led by the Spirit of the Lord!
2. Oh! How sweet to find at any hour - a loving friend ready to relieve us, - to have access, Lord, to Thine abode, - to have Thy help in the most pressing danger!
3. Oh! How sweet to think of Thy grace, - in our weakness and all our griefs, - and to remind ourselves: He has taken our place - as a lamb, to carry our sorrows!
4. Oh! How sweet to contemplate Thy glory, - Lord Jesus, and all the saints in Thee; - to await in peace the day of Thy victory, - and from Thy hand the reward of our faith!
5. Oh! What a moment, O God, before Thy throne, - when all Thy saints, then glorified, - each one wearing the immortal crown, - in adoring Thee, will cast it at Thy feet!
No 127
1. Thy perfect and pure righteousness, - O Saviour God, is the beauty - and the glorious adornment - of a sinner redeemed by Thee.
2. Objects of Thy great mercy, - loaded with the gifts of Thy love, - with a firm assurance - we see Thy great day coming.
3. For us, chosen ones, holy nation, - no more condemnation, - no more fright, no more fear: - God has forgiven us.
4. Lord Jesus, our righteousness, - Thou dost tell us: “I come quickly.” - May the Church rejoice, - O Redeemer, in seeing Thee!
No 128
1. Sing, without ceasing sing - the goodness of the Lord: - may holy joy - fill our heart! - Eternal salvation has come - down from heaven: - we have a Saviour. (2x)
2. O unspeakable happiness! - Boundless love! - God forgives - the guilty rebel. - To bear our crimes, - to seal our peace, - Jesus appeared. (2x)
3. If we lift up our eyes - to the throne of grace, - we see the face - of a glorious Saviour, - Divine Intercessor for us, - unto the end, - He is victorious. (2x)
4. To direct the path - of all His redeemed, - He sends His heavenly light - into their hearts. - His Spirit leads us, - His grace teaches us - holy truths. (2x)
5. He has written our names - in the book of life; - He invites us unceasingly - to taste His gifts. - Kept by His power, - nourished with a holy hope, - we walk towards heaven. (2x)
6. Soon, clothed with glory, - He will descend from heaven; - completing His victory, - He will deliver us. - His happy redeemed ones, - raised by Him, - will see Him as He is. (2x)
7. O supreme love, - the lot of the elect! - The Redeemer loves us: - what more do we need? - Ah! Let us live daily - in His faithful love; - let us proclaim His virtues. (2x)
No 129
1. Let us arise, brethren, let us arise, - behold our Master. - The day is at hand, behold the Bridegroom! - Jesus Christ will appear. (2x)
2. Soon, soon He will reign - with His dear Church; - soon He will crown her - with promised glory. (2x)
3. Fear not, then, little flock, - you, whom the Father cherishes. - May the cross of the Lamb - ever be your only banner. (2x)
4. And if the world is against you, - His scorn is your glory; - love, hope and faith - give you the victory. (2x)
5. Glory to Jesus Christ, the Saviour! - In Him our souls hope. - Happy is he who in his heart - adores and reveres Him! (2x)
No 130
1. We raise up to Thee, O loving Father, - our hands and our hearts, - and we present to Thee our prayer - in godly, sincere love, - as true worshippers.
2. In Thy presence, we feel ourselves - as given to Thy dear Son, - objects of Thy divine grace, - every one having a place near to Thy heart, - as Jesus and His friends.
3. Thus loved, each day we groan - because of our weakness, - and appeal to Thy tenderness; - Though still weak, - by the Spirit of promise, we bless Thee.
4. Thus, pressing on, - we move towards Thee, Jesus, - having in Thee every resource, - the waters of the divine spring - and the true bread of Thine elect.
No 131
1. From early morning, Lord, our souls bless Thee. - We are in Thine arms by day as well as by night. - Never is Thy goodness exhausted for Thy children, - and Thy love for us never tires.
2. We claim from Thee every excellent grace: - feed us today with Thy heavenly bread; - our whole expectation is in Thy mighty help; - Thou dost always cover us with the shadow of Thy hand.
3. May Thy divine Spirit teach and guide us, - by Thy holy Word working in our hearts! - Strengthened by Him no one will be fearful, - and through Christ we shall always be conquerors.
4. We are pilgrims, strangers upon the earth, - and our soul longs for the holy abode: - it is into Thy heaven Lord, our God, our Father, - that we shall enter, led by Thy love.
5. Keep us in Thy peace during our journey, - until the blessed day, when far from all ill, - we shall taste together the cloudless happiness, - ushered, by Jesus, into eternal rest.
No 132
1. In this desert I have neither gain nor loss, - nothing to choose and nothing to desire: - not a bush, nor a green leaf, - not a spring to quench my thirst.
2. In this desert with neither shelter, nor refuge, - and not even offering an uncertain rest, - will I make a useless halt, - when my goal is so close to being reached?
3. In this desert I know a way: - path of love, of grace, and faith, - which I shall follow without fear, or doubt, - for, O Saviour, thou hast traced it for me;
4. Path of strength, where happiness abounds, - where all is peace, in spite of the arid place; - blessed path, which leads me out of the world, - and brings me, at last, to Thy Father, to Thy God.
5. There, no yearnings, no toils, no fear, - formed by Thee for this solemn place, - I shall taste, in the holy abode, - near to Thy heart, eternal rest.
No 133
1. O good Shepherd, in Thy love, - Thou hast taken us under Thy rod; - Thy care dispels our want, - Thy heart calls us Thy sheep.
2. O Lord, should a rebellious world - scatter Thy beloved ones... - Under Thy gaze, Thy faithful hand - has formed us into one bundle (body).
3. Let us love one another with a sincere love; - around the Head let us be one. - The Holy Spirit, the Son, the Father, - to our faith all is one.
No 134
1. To be at Thy feet like Mary, - letting the hours pass - in an unselfish silence, - to let Thee, Jesus, speak.
2. To be at Thy feet in sadness, - finding, for all my sorrows, - Thy sympathy and Thy tenderness, - Thy goodness which dries my tears;
3. To pour upon Thy holy feet, - to Thy praise, O despised Saviour, - the pure and unmingled ointment - of a broken alabaster box;
4. Blessed adoration of a heart which loves Thee, - incense which fills heaven, - kept for the supreme moment - of Thine accomplished sacrifice.
5. Ah! May I abide at Thy feet, - Lord, and may my feeble voice - united down here with the heavenly chorus, - exalt the Son of God who died upon the cross!
No 135
1. Let us sing, sing, in a godly hymn, - the love of the Redeemer! - His faithful grace, - new every day, - shines with splendour. - He is great and wonderful: let us praise the Lord. (2x)
2. Let us sing, sing in a godly hymn, - the love of the Redeemer! - His throne of grace - is the sure place - for every feeble heart. - He is great, etc.
3. Let us sing, sing in a godly hymn, - the love of the Redeemer! - Jesus, in His glory, - is our victory - and our happiness. - He is great, etc.
No 136
1. Glory to God! Strength, might, - homage, eternal honour, - love and thankfulness, - to Jesus Christ the Saviour!
2. Saviour crowned with thorns. - Thy blood was shed upon the cross, - and divine wrath - overwhelmed Thee with all its weight.
3. For Thee, Jesus, suffering, - tears, death, abandonment! - and for us deliverance, - salvation and pardon.
4. Glory to God! Strength, might, - homage, eternal honour, - love and thankfulness, - to Jesus Christ the Saviour!
No 137
1. Children of God, chosen race - to dwell one day in heaven, - before the Author of our life, - let us strike up joyful strains.
2. By nature children of wrath, - we were dead in our sins, - by Him we have been pulled out - from the most dreadful misery.
3. Redeemed by His only begotten Son, - for us He died and was raised, - His Holy Spirit imparts to us - all the gifts of His love.
4. In Jesus we call Him Father; - He calls us His dear children; - daily we prove - the touching care of His grace.
5. Nothing will ever deprive us of His love; - Nothing can alter that love; - nothing in heaven or in earth, - will separate us from it.
6. A goodly and heavenly inheritance, - bought by the blood of Christ, - is our happy and sure lot - near Him for eternity.
7. Glory to Thee for this hope, - O holy Father, hasten the day - when Thy dear Son, with power, - will take us to the heavenly abode.
No 138
1. All the work of the Rock of Jacob is perfect; - what He has said, His hand will accomplish. - The Almighty will uphold us! (2x) - For He is our God, (3x) - our high refuge.
2. For eternity the Lord loves us: - His grace in our hearts will never cease. - He will lead us to the goal. (2x) - For He is our Hope, (3x) - our supreme happiness.
3. He knows the number of all our enemies. - His arm fights for us and will deliver us. - His power will triumph! (2x) - The wicked, before Him. (3x) - Will flee away like a shadow.
4. Our mortal bodies will also know His victory; - we know that soon He will transform them. - When the trumpet sounds! (2x) - For us, His redeemed, (3x) - death gives place to glory.
5. Let us celebrate, let us celebrate our God, our Father! - The Lord is for us: who shall be against us? - Who can seperate us from Him? (2x) - Let us triumph in Jesus (3x) - let us live to please Him.
No 139
1. When shall we have this unspeakable joy, - to be united with Thee forever, - and to see Thee, O adorable Saviour - in the abode of eternal peace?
2. The time which separates us from Thee is short, - the hope increases whenever we lift up our eyes; - yes, time flies, and the dawn begins; - soon, Lord, Thou wilt come back from heaven.
3. A thousand years, for Thee, is like a thought, - for us the night will soon end; - Lord, when will it be over? - When will the morning star shine?
4. In watching, in strife, in weariness, in weakness, - we await its glorious rising; - for in our hearts, this star causing greatest joy, - already spreads its brilliance.
5. But this prelude to the eternal glory - increases in us the desire to see Thee; - our hearts call Thee, Jesus; - Ah! Come, appear! Fulfil our hope!
No 140
1. Lord, for us Thou hast offered Thyself in sacrifice, - fill us with fervour to place at Thy service - our days, our goods, our bodies, our hearts. - Make us to walk under Thy protecting eye, - in spite of our weakness, - and may we ever be, through Thee, more than conquerors.
2. Make us always taste how sweet it is, - for every child of God who rests on Thee, - to love Thee and to serve Thee! - “For me to live is Christ” : may it be the motto of all Thy redeemed, - may every one of them say it, - and may all practice it.
No 141
1. My joyful heart, full of hope, - rises to Thee my Redeemer. - I know Thy boundless love, - which saves the sinner forever; - in Thee alone is my trust, - in Thee alone all my happiness.
2. As I run my race, I see - all my steps leading toward heaven. - When I am weary, - the living spring of Thy Spirit refreshes me; - and, in danger, my resource - is in the strength of Thine arm.
3. By day I am under Thy light; - by night I rest in Thy bosom. - In the morning, Thy gaze enlightens me - and guides me on my way; - and every evening, O tender Father, - Thou dost prepare my tomorrow.
4. I thus see approaching the end - of my journey here below. - I have the living and firm expectation - of the holy inheritance of heaven: - if the grave closes upon me, - I shall come forth all glorious.
No 142
1. Upon Thy universal Church, - constant object of Thy love, - Lord, in Thy faithful grace, - Thou dost bestow Thy gifts every day. Thy redeemed, confidingly, - everywhere bend their knees; - Thou shalt fulfil our hope: - Lord, Thou shalt be with us.
2. Lord Jesus, Thou dost remember - the promises of Thy Word; - and Thy Spirit of love consoles, - guides and cheers all Thine own. - Make us walk in Thy light - keep our hearts close to Thee - and may Thy church through prayer - rejoice in Thee, powerful Saviour!
No 143
1. Thou hast loved me, Thou, my God, my Father, - Thou, Lord Jesus Christ. - Thou hast loved me more than a tender mother - loves the child she feeds (2x).
2. I can love Thee, O God full of tenderness, - Who first loved me. - I can love Thee, my support in my weakness, - my fortress, my shield (2x).
3. Thou hast loved me, source of every grace, - author of my salvation. - Thou hast loved me! Turning Thy face toward me, - Thou dost lead me to the end (2x).
4. I can love Thee: he who loves Thee - shall never be alone. - Thou hast loved me: of Thy very love - my love shall live (2x).
No 144
1. To Thee who hast made us hear - the word of truth, - to Thee who hast made us understand - the infinity of Thy love,
2. To Thee who dost make man meet - to partake of the inheritance of the saints - in matchless light - where Thou wilt have all Thine own,
3. To Thee who in Thy boundless grace - hast torn us away from the strong man, - and hast delivered us from the power - of darkness and death,
4. To Thee, our God, our Father, - who hast translated us forever - into the kingdom, to the sanctuary - of Jesus, Son of Thy love,
5. To Thee be honour and wisdom, - God of love, God of truth. - To Thee be strength and riches - for all eternity!
6. To Thee, Lord, whose victory - secured our eternal happiness, - to Thee, Jesus, we give glory; - we adore Thee, divine Saviour.
No 145
1. The sheep of Jesus, objects of His tenderness, - recognise and unceasingly follow His voice; - He, who leads them, lavishes them with kindness; - He has put His love forever into their hearts.
2. They lack nothing in His rich pastures; - near the good Shepherd, one fears no storm. - He keeps His sheep, carries them in His bosom; - they always rejoice in His comforting gaze.
No 146
1. Against me in this world, - if the storm in fury - swells its waves and roars, - will it trouble my heart? - No, I have no fear: - Jesus is with me, - and His holy presence - removes all fear.
2. Is life sometimes - gloomy to my eyes? - Thou dost dispel every shadow, - O glorious Saviour! - Above the cloud - I can see Thy splendour: - Thy look encourages me, - fills me with happiness.
3. If I feel my weakness - in the midst of danger, - am I not continually - in Thine arms, good Shepherd? - Who shall separate me - from Thy faithful love? - Sheltered under Thy wing, - nothing shall alarm me.
4. Yes, my cup runs over: - I know Thy love, - and Thine infinite grace - shall follow me every day. - In my pilgrimage, - stranger here below, - Thou art my portion - and Thou canst not change.
No 147
1. Life-giving spring, - salvation of the world, - the blood of Christ is shed. - Divine agony, - this sacrifice alone - can save lost man.
2. Deep joy! - Christ is the way - leading to the supreme goal. - Jesus forgives; - there is no one - He wants to exclude from salvation.
No 148
1. All happiness comes from Thee, Saviour full of tenderness. - Thou hast taught us the song of joy; - with Thy mercy Thou dost crown our days, - and their course Thou wilt ever bless.
2. Ah! we have known the weariness of earth, - while we were walking as children of wrath; - when, fleeing Thy gaze and Thy grace, O Jesus, - in the world, our steps strayed more and more.
3. But Thou didst appear, Lord, and broke our chain; - because of Thy great love our grief disappeared. - What joy, when faith, by grace, taught us - that we have Thy peace, Thy salvation, Thy Spirit!
4. Ah! so great a love tells us that unchanging homage - is unreservedly due Thee from our hearts. - Therefore direct this heart, that it may soar - toward heaven where Thy hand has placed our treasure.
No 149
1. The Lord is calling us: - let us go to Him. - He is good and faithful, - a sure stay. - The salvation He gives, - no one can take away. - Full of mercy - He wants to bless.
2. His love is boundless: - this good Saviour - devoted Himself - for the sinner. - Yes, on the wretched tree - He wanted to die; - hope in Him, my soul; - He wants to bless.
No 150
1. Salvation, peace and forgiveness! O joyful news - for poor sinners! - Which heals the cruel wound in our hearts, - and calms our terrors. (2x)
2. Salvation, peace and forgiveness! May those words resound - throughout the universe! - Yes, Lord, may Thy redeemed ones everywhere unite - their voices with ours. (2x)
3. Salvation, peace and forgiveness! O Jesus, Thy suffering - has bought us happiness: - with a thankful heart we sing of Thy mercy, - O God our Saviour. (2x)
4. Glory to the Lamb of God! Strength, honour and might - to the Man of sorrows - Who died upon the cross for our deliverance. - We adore Thee, Lord! (2x)
No 151
1. Thou hast loved me, Lord, before the light - shone upon the universe formed by Thy voice, - and before the sun running its race - shed life abundantly upon the whole creation, - my God, Thou hast loved me. (2x)
2. My God, Thou hast loved me, when, upon the accursed cross, - the lifeless body of Jesus Christ was seen; - when, to redeem me from the eternal flame, - Thy Holy Son bore the crimes of my soul, - my God, Thou hast loved me. (2x)
3. Thou wilt always love me! Neither Satan, nor the world, - shall ever stop the flow of this love; - where evil abounded, grace overabounds: - to Thy love, O God, may my love respond, - Thou who dost love me always. (2x)
No 152
1. Thy glory, O our God, shines in Thy Word; - it is, for Thy children, a precious treasure; - it is the sustaining and comforting voice of a friend, - it is the letter of love written in the heavens.
2. When reading it, our soul is always refreshed, - our heart relieved from the roughest burden. - It is the abounding spring from which life is drawn, - the river of grace with health-sustaining waters.
3. O you who groan in the paths of the world, - you whose hearts are restless and depressed time after time, - come all and find in the Word the pure and deep peace, - which the gospel and eternal love will give.
No 153
1. Listen, all, to the good news: - it is to save that Jesus Christ died. - He that believes on the Son has eternal life: - our salvation is a gift of the mighty God. (2x)
2. Lost sinners, who, in your misery, - dare not lift up your eyes toward a Holy God, - come to Christ: He reveals the Father, - the God of love who sent Him from heaven. (2x)
3. Ah! receive His sweet word - which the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart. - It is Jesus alone who heals and comforts: - run, all, towards this divine Saviour. (2x)
No 154
1. With one heart, O God, Thy beloved ones - sing Thy glory and Thy supreme love; - all Thy counsels are firm, - and Thy purposes shall never change.
2. The day is near, O God of truth, - when earth and heaven shall flee from before Thy face, - but all Thy saints, monuments of Thy grace, - will live for all eternity.
3. The day is near!... Oh! Come Lord Jesus! - Come, and consummate salvation in glory! - Come and swallow up death through victory, - and gather Thine elect into heaven.
No 155
1. Beloved Son, pure object of delight, - blessed centre of the Father’s love, - Thou didst become man, and by Thy sacrifice - we know this eternal love.
2. Brilliant centre of infinite light, - divine Sun with shining face, - under Thy light we are born unto eternal life - and the darkness vanishes from our hearts.
3. Centre of attraction for the guilty race, - O Son of Man lifted up on the cross, - Thy blood shed, inexhaustible fountain, - washes forever, saves him who believes.
4. Centre of glory and magnificence, - Lamb of God, crowned with splendour, - the whole universe proclaims Thy might; - Thine elect people, prostrated, adore Thee.
No 156
1. To behold Thee face to face, - listen to Thy loving voice, - which, by a thousand displays of gracious care, - led us every day;
2. To follow Thee in brilliant procession, - arrayed in fine linen, like - the sparkling purity of snow - under the splendour of the sun;
3. No more night, no more distance! - Thy bride at Thy side, - will reflect Thy might, - Thy grace, and Thy beauty.
4. Fruit of Thy supreme love, - she will be seen in that day, - surrounded - by Thine eternal love.
5. Though we do not understand that love, - prostrated, we adore it, - for Thy cross brought it down, - down even unto us.
6. Yes, already now its fullness, - by the seal of Thy Spirit, - satisfies and fills us - with joy and certainty.
7. Until the great cloudless day, - which our faith longs for, - where we shall have as our lot - to love, Jesus, only Thee!
No 157
1. When Thou wilt come, Jesus, by Thy might - the dead in Thee will be raised, - in the twinkling of an eye caught up into Thy presence, - and presented in glory before the Father.
2. We, the living who remain on the earth, - hidden treasure, the desire of Thy heart, - during the night, watching with prayer, - we wait for Thee as Saviour from heaven.
3. Regrets, sighs, tears and sufferings, - are unknown in the celestial place: - Thou dost fill that place, Jesus, with Thy presence; - there all is peace: it is the rest of God.
4. There gathered into the house of the Father, - children of God, a worshipping people, - around Thee, we shall be kings and priests, - much better than upon the earth.
5. O the depths of unsearchable love - which unites grace with truth! - Thou didst visit enslaved and guilty man, - a defiled world in rebellion against God.
6. Leaving Thine infinite splendour, - Thou didst come down to the depths of death, - and on the cross, O Prince of life, - Thou didst bear the dreadful judgement of our sins.
7. Let us take courage, friends, let us lift up our heads; - brethren, the Bridegroom, the Lord will come! - He invites us to the eternal feast; - rest of love: this is our future.
No 158
1. Marvellous name which makes God visible - in His inaccessible splendour, - whom no eye has ever seen - on earth where night reigns,
2. Name of the humble and lonely Man - full of pity for our woes, - the willing servant, who carries - the heavy burden of our sorrows.
3. Name without equal, whose might - always responds to our faith; - name which gathers, during Thine absence, - Thy redeemed around Thyself.
4. Sovereign name, which God the Father - shall establish Lord of all; - before whom heaven, hell and earth, - will one day bend the knee.
5. New name, supreme portion - of the victorious redeemed, - name which the church from age to age, - shall bear in the heavens.
6. Unsearchable name of Jesus, - name of the mighty God of eternity - and of the Lamb, Saviour of the world,- and of the risen
7. Name of the morning star, - name of the brilliant day star, - glory to Thee, name of Light, - blessed be Thou, name of Love.
No 159
1. O God who taught us the song of joy, - this day our hearts respond to Thy call; - but how can we forget our extreme weakness - to be able to worthily celebrate Thy tenderness - and to praise Thy mercy which endures forever?
2. When, banished far from Thee, sunk in misery, - helpless and hopeless we were lying in darkness, - suddenly the light shone before our eyes; - Jesus revealed to us Thy name of Father, so sweet, - and Thy great mercy which endures forever.
3. O God our Saviour, Thou whose matchless grace - has never been hindered by obstacles in its course, - wonderful in counsel, marvellous in action, - we celebrate Thee in the eternal hymn - and praise Thy mercy which endures forever!
No 160
1. Around the throne of the mighty God, - the spirits (of departed saints) await the glory, - and while resting, taste the victory - of the Saviour who was put to death for them. - But in the midst of His dear flock, - object of His boundless love, - already here below the hymn begins: - glory to the Lamb! (2x)
2. United together as one body, - let us praise the Prince of life, - the First-born from among the dead: - for, in His infinite anguish, - the heavy load of our sins - overwhelmed His holy soul, - when His God was deaf to His cry: - glory to the Lamb! (2x)
3. High Priest - in inaccessible light, - He is also, this dear Saviour, - our Advocate with the Father. - Set apart, sealed with His seal, - we have the Spirit of life - by whom His church cries: - glory to the Lamb! (2x)
4. Soon our divine Bridegroom, - according to His faithful promise, - will come again to take us all. - We shall be with Him forever, - singing the new song - in our heavenly inheritance. - Then we shall proclaim for all eternity: - glory to the Lamb! (2x)
No 161
1. It is Thy love which gathers us, - we the objects of Thy favour. - By the Spirit, we come together - to worship Thee, O divine Saviour!
2. Thy presence is the supreme good; - Thy love is inexhaustible; - Thy heart gives to those it loves - rest, happiness, perfect peace.
3. Yes, our hearts magnify Thee, - and all our voices, on this day, - proclaim Thy finished work, - Thy glory and Thy soon return.
No 162
1. The courts of glory are open at last, - where the triumphant saints, at the shout of victory, - enter with Jesus, their Bridegroom and their King!
2. All heaven resounds with songs and joy. - For the night has ended, mourning and sadness - are banished forever - no more death, no more fear.
3. At the loud beckoning shout which resounds from the clouds, - the virgins have come, thrilled with happiness, - to escort their Bridegroom with their lamps in their hands;
4. He shall crown the faithful expectation - of the saints, and to their delight open the eternal abode, - introducing them all to the banquet of love.
No 163 (see Spiritual Songs No 170, verse 1, 2, 3, 4-6 combined)
1. Lo, He comes from heaven descending, - once for favoured sinners slain; - thousand thousand saints attending - swell the triumph of His train: - Hallelujah! - Jesus comes, and comes to reign!
2. See the Saviour, long expected, - now in solemn pomp appear; - and His saints, by man rejected, - all His heavenly glory share; - Hallelujah! - See the Son of Man appear!
3. Lo, the tokens of His passion, - though in glory, still He bears, - cause of endless exultation - to His ransomed worshippers; - Hallelujah! - Christ, the Lamb of God appears.
4. ‘Tis Thy heavenly bride and Spirit, - Jesus, Lord, that bids Thee come! - Saviour, take the power and glory, - claim the kingdoms for Thine own: - come, Lord Jesus, - Hallelujah, come, Lord, come.
No 164
1. Jesus, beloved Son of the Father, - Thou, who hast stooped down unto us, - how great and sweet is Thy holy name - to all the children of light!
2. Jesus, no one can compare with Thee, - for Thou alone art the truth. - Everything, in Thine adorable person, - is love, greatness and comeliness.
3. Already here below, let us live for Thee, Jesus, - from a faithful heart, - offering to Thee always, full of zeal, - the holy homage of our faith.
No 165
1. Bondmen of sin, we walked in this world, - lost and miserable, without hope and without God. - But Thou didst see us plunged in this dark night, - and to rescue us Thou didst leave the
2. Thou didst come down to us, even to the shameful cross - where Thou didst endure the terrible wrath of God. - Death and abandonment overflowed Thy soul: - Thou didst receive all the blows of divine judgement.
3. And now, saved by Thine infinite grace, - happy in Thy love, we move on towards heaven - in peace and full of hope, for Thy blessed work - has opened up to us the access to eternal rest.
4. In a hymn of love and thankfulness - our souls, O Saviour, rise up unto Thee. - We await the day of our deliverance - which already shines for the eyes of faith.
No 166
1. Jesus comes forth (2x) - from heaven to visit the earth, - willing victim, He comes down - into death (2x), - then gloriously He ascends into the sanctuary - of the mighty God. (2x)
2. In the midst of the throne, supreme, - I see Thee, (2x) - Lamb who was made a curse - on the cross, (2x) - proclaimed by Thy God Himself - King of Kings (2x)
3. Since Thou wilt soon appear - to our eyes (2x) - we desire, glorious Saviour and Master, (2x) - to serve Thee, to love Thee, to know Thee - always better, (2x)
4. So that a hostile world may see - all our footsteps (2x) - following, in peace, Thy holy pathway - here below, (2x) - in days of testing, days of joy, - of conflict. (2x)
5. Behold, here, the dawn of day - is certain. (2x) - The air freshens, the horizon brightens, - and, far away, (2x) - on the hills, see the morning! (2x) - breaking.
No 167
1. O unspeakable light - unchangeable splendour, - when the saints will rejoice in their God forever. - Matchless bliss, - when His adorable face - will shine upon them, in eternal peace!
2. Forever in the light - of the Father’s house! - Every shadow has disappeared because of the splendour of the day. - And, far away from the earth, - our entire soul - will taste, close to Him, the rest of love.
No 168
1. Glory to Thee, Jesus, Saviour, - glory to Thine eternal work! - Thine elect, fervently, - in solemn peace, - unite on this holy day - to proclaim Thy love.
2. In the joy of our heart, - O atoning Victim, - Lamb, glorious Conqueror, - we celebrate Thy memory. - With one accord, our voices - sing the work of the cross.
No 169
1. To exalt Thee, O Son of the Father, - the hymn of the heavens and of the earth - will rise in the sanctuary - forever. (2x)
2. Thy face will shine upon us, - in our hearts, filled with Thy grace, - Thou alone wilt have full place - forever. (2x)
3. Thy redeemed will tell the story - of Thine atoning suffering, - of Thine immortal victory - forever. (2x)
4. And the church, made like her Head, - witness of Thine admirable glory, - will sing Thine adorable grace - forever. (2x)
No 170
1. O Jesus! (2x) - Thou, mighty God, great God of the heavens, - Thou, glorious centre forever, - of supreme splendour, - the church adores and loves Thee; - in Thy love Thou hast acquired her - at a great price! (2x)
2. O Jesus! (2x) - Guide us, mighty Shepherd. - Thy good and holy will - is a light burden for us - Thy love casts out fear: - nourish us with Thy love - each day. (2x)
No 171
1. O my Saviour, O inexhaustible source - of all true riches, meekness, and goodness! - Thou dost unite in Thine adorable Person - all the treasures of the Godhead.
2. In Thy sight no effort is too great - for the salvation of Thine erring sheep; - in the desert, she was dying; - joyously Thou dost take her into Thine arms.
3. O good Shepherd, Thine unceasing tenderness - will introduce her one day into Thy house. - Thy shoulder is stong to carry her; - all Thy heart is love to cherish her.
No 172
1. Is it possible, O God, that a defiled being like me, - brought forth from the dust, - should become Thy child, could call Thee Father, - and be raised up to Thee?
2. Yes, Thy divine love, in its adorable counsels, - delivered up Thy Son - to the inflexible strokes of judgment and death - in order to free us from our doom.
3. Jesus, Thy Beloved, object of Thy delight, - one with Thee in Thy purposes, - willingly offered Himself in perfect sacrifice - to save unworthy man.
4. Eye shall never see anything more marvellous - than the cross, where - the Prince of life was bound, in that dark hour - when God condemned sin.
5. Amazed, the angels bend towards earth - with holy trembling, - and kneeling, read the unspeakable mystery - of that supreme humiliation.
6. And we, His redeemed, Thy blessed family, - which Thou wilt have very near to Thy heart, - fruit of an infinite work, we shall never be able - to praise Thy great conquering love enough!
No 173 (see Spiritual Songs No 138, verses 1, 2, 5)
1. O Christ what burdens bowed Thy head! - Our load was laid on Thee; - Thou stoodest in the sinner’s stead - to bear all ill for me. - A victim led, Thy blood was shed; - now there’s no load for me.
2. Death and the curse were in our cup - O Christ, ‘twas full for Thee! - But Thou hast drained the last dark drop, - ‘tis empty now for me. - That bitter cup-love drank it up; - left but the love for me.
3. For me, Lord Jesus, Thou hast died, - and I have died in Thee; - Thou art risen: my bands are all untied; - and now Thou livest in me. - The Father’s face of radiant grace - shines now in light on me.
No 174
1. Radiant Star - shining in my night, - Staff which guides me, - Bread which nourishes me, - Fountain of living water, - Beacon which I see - on yonder shore: - Thou art all these!
2. Who then is like Thee, - Jesus, my Saviour? - When everything is a burden to me - Thou dost open Thy heart to me. - The blessed hope - sustains my faith, - peace and assurance, - all come from Thee!
3. When at Thy coming - I shall hear the call - of Thy familiar voice - to enter heaven, - what do I bring? - Who will want something of me? - Thou dost open the door to me! - All comes from Thee!
No 175
1. Heaven has visited the earth: - Emmanuel comes down to us. - God makes Himself man: O holy mystery! - Let His people kneel and worship!
2. Love impossible to understand - the Son of God, the Creator, - wanted to come down to us, sinners, - in the form of the true Servant.
3. That great love which humbles itself, - has come lower still: - the Son of man gives His life - and dies for a lost world!
4. What rare and pure incense - would Thine own offer Thee in return? - Is not Thy love, Jesus - the savour of our praise?
5. Heaven has visited the earth: - Emmanuel comes down to us. - God makes Himself man: O holy mystery! - Let His people kneel and worship!
No 176
1. In deep humility, - following Thine obscure path, - Thou wast despised by the world, - to which Thou wast stretching out Thy hand: - Thou whose rescuing love, - compassionate and perfect, - poured kindness upon kindness - upon guilty mankind.
2. Oh! What treasures are opened to us, - by Thy heart full of love! - In it, God Himself finds - only light and holiness; - and we, filled with Thy grace, -children of God by faith, - can follow Thy steps - in the same love as Thine.
3. Though the outer man be consumed - under reproach and bitterness, - anguish and travail, - may Thine example, O Saviour, - encourage us each day,- in spite of our infirmity, - to reflect the image - of Thy holy manhood!
4. Ah! Soon we shall take our seat - at the great banquet in the
No 177
1. Faithful Redeemer, - the church here below - sighs and calls for Thee. - Come, do not tarry! - O divine star, - may no shadow veil - Thy holy splendour - in our heart.
2. Celestial day, - happiness of the elect, - O faith crowned! - Come, Lord Jesus! - On that day - Thy church will be - for ever admitted - into the courts of love!
No 178
1. We sing of the tender and sublime love of Jesus. - This precious treasure is all-sufficient for our hearts- this marvellous love, deeper than the abyss, - rising higher than the infinite heavens: - on the vast universe, which His light floods, - shines that love, unceasingly renewed. - From eternity, before the world was, - Lord, Thou hast loved us! Blessed be Thy name!
2. From the blessed abode, filled with Thy praise, - Thou, Eternal Son crowned with splendours,- Almighty Creator worshipped by the angels, - Thou Thyself didst come down into the midst of sinners. - To introduce us one day into the Father’s house, stripped of Thy rights, scoffed at by the wicked, - compassionate Shepherd, in our misery, - Lord, Thou hast sought us! Blessed be Thy name!
3. Thou didst travel Thy solitary path, - lavishly spreading Thy treasures of divine goodness, - offering grace to all. And yet, O mystery! - In his blindness man rejected Thee. - Overwhelmed with contempt, without turning Thy face - from the great mark, set by infinite love, - nothing could be an obstacle for the work of Thy grace, - Lord, Thou hast found us! Blessed be Thy name!
4. At last the hour has come! Oh! the dark day - when on the rugged path, carrying Thy heavy cross, - Thy head crowned with thorns, O Redeemer, - Thou wast abused, mocked by a thousand voices! - Forsaken for us on
5. Oh! Yes, we will sing all the days of our lives - this wonderful, matchless love! - And when, changed by Thine infinite power, - glorified, we shall reach the day of the great awakening, - then our deligted eyes will see Thee on Thy throne, - Jesus, our Saviour, our faithful Friend. - Thine own, worshipping Thee, Lord, shall cast their crowns - at Thy feet! Blessed be Thy name!
No 179
1. Jesus loves us, - He Himself is coming - for His own. - Yes, Jesus, come, - supreme hope - of all Thine own. (2x)
2. Into the sanctuary - of our Father, - with the Son, - enraptured, let us enter - into the light - of its courts! (2x)
3. The work is perfect; - the place is ready. - Ah! Upon Thy bosom, - Divine Bridegroom, - may our head - rest at last! (2x)
4. May it rest, - fully satisfied - to have Thee, - and to be able, - once the trial is over - to see Thee forever! (2x)
5. Splendour of the Divine Person, - Glorious Master, - verily, - eternity - is to know - Thy love! (2x)
No 180
1. Listen, beloved Church, - Thy Bridegroom is coming! - Let us keep our lamps burning: - our Bridegroom is coming! - Behold the midnight hour is already sounding; - we do not see anyone yet, - but His star is shining in our hearts: - our Bridegroom is coming!
2. A shout reaches our ears: - behold the Bridegroom! - No more night, no more night watches, - behold the Bridegroom! - Already the trumpet call - invites us to the happy feast. - He says: “My Church are you ready?” - Behold the Bridegroom!
No 181
1. Oh! What a burst of joy in heaven, - when at the voice of the Lord, the Almighty - the light shone forth! - When by His arm He stretched out the heavens, - when He displayed His glorious power, - His hand was forming the earth!
2. Oh! What a burst of joy in heaven, - when Jesus Emmanuel - was born in weakness here below! - The holy angels were saying: “Glory to the Lord! - Peace upon earth!” and the heavenly choir - was thrilled with joy.
3. Oh! What a burst of joy in heaven, - when a sinner answers to the call - of the Lord inviting him, - all his sins are taken away forever! - Jesus gives him life and peace, - and shelters him in His bosom.
4. Oh! What joy and what rapture in heaven, - when the saints, sons of the eternal day, - will all come to take their place - near Jesus, forever blessed, - to sing His bountiful love, - His unspeakable grace!
No 182
1. Source of light and life, - source of grace for faith, - rest, happiness, infinite peace, - we have found them in Thee.
2. Source of love, ever new, - which springs up for us from the Holy Place, - with Thine eternal fullness, - Thou dost fill us, source of God!
3. Happy is he who, like a living tree - planted by Thee near the river, - takes root and grows, and drinks - of its water, for eternity!
4. He bears fruit and prospers; - his strength increases daily. - Happy is he who on earth - drinks at the source of love!
No 183
1. Spring of overflowing grace, - Jesus, faithful and good Shepherd, - Thy love is inexhaustible; - for us Thy heart remains the same. - Even if trials confront us daily, - in our hearts Thou dost revive - faith, hope and love.
2. The end of all things is at hand, - the fairest do not last. - The happy eternity approaches, - when the trials of earth - will give way to enjoyment - of the final rest of the great day. - Henceforth faith and hope - will end, but not love.
No 184
1. When adoringly I contemplate - the firmament, Thy marvellous work, - the heavens, the moon and the various lights - which Thy wisdom has set in their order.
2. Amazed, enraptured, I ask: - what is man, O supreme Majesty! - That Thy goodness should deign to remember him, - and that Thy grace loves to go before him?
3. Thou hast made Him a little lower than the angels - who in heaven celebrate Thy praises; - Thou hast also crowned Him with glory - and surrounded Him with supreme honour.
4. Thou hast made Him King over these lovely works - which Thine immortal hands formed; - according to Thy counsels everything, Lord, shall become - the footstool of this Ruler.
No 185
1. Come, Oh! Come, Lord! - for this sad world, - where evil abounds, - never gives - rest nor peace - to my poor heart. - Dawn will break; - come, take me; - I want to join Thee, - Thou art my rest!
2. Glorious Lamb, - I shall see Thy face - shining with grace - in the peace of heaven. - Thy priceless love, - in Paradise, - the Father’s abode, - will spread its calm light - over me. - Thou art my rest!
3. O divine rest - which love bestows, - Thou shalt be my joy - for eternity! - Happy future! - To love Thee, to bless Thee, - and to be like Thee, - will be my all. - Adorable Saviour, - Thou art my rest!
No 186
1. Love of my Saviour, springing fountain - which refreshes my heart, (2x) - nothing can dry up the flow of blessings. - I shall always taste Thy delightful beauty, - love of my Saviour! (2x)
2. Love of my Saviour, Thou art enough for my soul - peace, rest and happiness, (2x) - I find all in Thee. Warmed by the flame of Thy love, - I can endure all, weariness, trials, or blame, - O love of my Saviour! (2x)
3. Love of my Saviour, without cloud I shall see - the triumph of Thy splendour. (2x) - In the Father’s house, at the end of my journey - I shall contemplate, celebrate in all ages - the love of my Saviour! (2x)
No 187
1. For ever with Thee in the house of the Father, - Jesus Christ, my Saviour, who gave Thyself for me! - With Thee, God of peace, of love and of light; - for ever with Thee! (2x)
2. In the holy city, which Thy glory illuminates - and which Thine own already contemplate by faith, - I shall taste the fruit of Thy divine grace, - for ever with Thee! (2x)
No 188
1. Mighty Saviour, source of life, - when I was fleeing far from Thee, - I heard the voice inviting - the sinner to the King’s banquet. - From then on, in peace before Thy face, - washed by Thy precious blood, - I taste the unspeakable grace - of the God of love who has saved me.
2. In this dark and difficult time, - Good Shepherd Thou carest for me - to sustain my weak faith - and lead me to the sure refuge. - While on earth evil progresses, - at the eve of Thy return, - I bless Thee for Thy tenderness, - and the touching care of Thy love.
3. Soon in the house of the Father, - Thou shalt receive Thy redeemed ones, - there to fathom the great mystery - of Thy grace and of Thy goodness. - Then in the magnificent courts, - with the saints, Thy dear flock, - I shall exalt in my hymns - all the glories of the Lamb!
No 189
1. What bliss to know Thee, - Thou who cannot change, - my Saviour, my divine Master, - helpful and good Shepherd!
2. I shall not want; - Thou dost provide for all my needs. - Reassured by Thy staff, - I entrust myself to Thy care.
3. Even in the dark valley, - Thou dost stand very near by my side - and my soul is comforted - realizing I am with Thee.
4. Soon I shall be introduced - into the heavenly sanctuary, - to see Thee in the light, - mighty Shepherd of the sheep.
5. What bliss to know Thee, - Thou who can not change, - my Saviour, my divine Master - helpful and good Shepherd!
No 190
1. My Saviour has passed - in this dry wilderness - without a marked path, - my example and my guide. - Through Him I come to the Father; - He is all my happiness; - therefore nothing upon earth - can attract my heart.
2. Upon Him my faith rests. - Can I follow Him in vain, - or lose anything - when He Himself is my gain? - If this world’s goods - try to stop me, - His infinite might - makes me reject them.
3. Happy, my soul set free, - on the way towards heaven, - already I join - the eternal song. - Pain, weariness or grief, - do not shake my faith. - Every trial is full - of blessed fruits for me.
4. In this short journey - which I am taking, - if I groan and weep, - am I discouraged? - No, Thy perfect grace - is my constant resource; - Thy rod and Thy staff, - always comfort me.
5. O Jesus, bread of life, - which I taste here below, - Thy virtue strengthens - my soul at every step. - To be like Thee at last, - soon shall I see Thee - in Thine unspeakable glory, - and I shall adore Thee!
No 191
1. Soon, Lord, upon Thy face - Thy redeemed ones will see - the smile of grace - together with the brightness of power.
2. The elevation of the human soul - rising to the heavens, - O Jesus! barely touches - the hem of Thy garment;
3. The sublime praise - of the glorified saints - is but the unmingled spikenard - chosen to anoint Thy feet.
4. Soon the day will shine upon the earth - when the nations - will go to Thy sanctuary - bringing their offerings,
5. And drinking at the source of the river - which, springing from the
6. The divine hymn of joy, - the eternal hymn of love - shall resound unceasingly, - Royal Lamb, in Thy court!
7. Soon the church who loves Thee, - in its mute devotion, - will cast her diadem - before Thy throne, O Saviour!
No 192
1. Throughout time and space, - borne upon eagle’s wings, - I have the God of grace, - might, and love to sustain me; - throughout my journey, - so near its end, - to give me courage - I have the love which fills His heart.
2. The storm rumbles above my head; - I can see the lightning flash in the sky; - I do not fear: in the storm - His wings cover me. - In this peaceful and sure refuge, - defying the effort of the enemy, - I enjoy a quiet happiness, - in the shadow of the mighty God.
3. Already the holy city appears, - where Thou wilt soon introduce me. - Within its glorious walls, - Thy bride without spot or blemish - will see Thy face - without veil for eternity, - and will again tell the power - and love of the God of grace.
No 193
1. Jesus will fill the universe - with His divine presence; - He will extend His might - to all the shores of the seas.
2. Everywhere chains will fall; - there will be peace, righteousness, love; - no more needs, no more griefs, - no more labour in this fair day.
3. Triumphant people will ascribe - glory to His supreme goodness. - He will even be praised - by the voice of little children.
4. Under His saving reign - death will rule no more, - and His protecting shadow - will shelter all His elect.
5. Heaven will bless the earth - and the earth will reply to the heavens. - All flesh will prostrate itself - in the dust before Him.
No 194
1. The Redeemer, whose love saved us, says to us, - “Behold, I come quickly: wait for my coming!” - Alleluia (4x) - Yes, come, Lord Jesus, (3x) on the bright cloud.
2. Thy death has delivered us from the world - and from the flesh, from the cruel adversary, - from all our enemies - alleluia (4x) - Yes, come, Lord Jesus, (3x) our souls hope in Thee.
3. Our soul experiences trials here below, - but pain will never enter heaven. - Alleluia (4x) - Yes, come, Lord Jesus, (3x) and take away Thy Church.
No 195
1. To whom shall we then go? This perishing world, - Satan’s domain, is but a deceiving wilderness. - Would we want to build our houses upon the sand? - No, this is no foundation for one’s happiness.
2. To whom shall we then go to gain knowledge - about the God of truth, of light and of love? - And who will give us peace and assurance - when we walk weighted down under too heavy a load?
3. To whom shall we then go? Source ever new - of refreshment for our thirsty hearts, - Thy words, Lord, are eternal life: - we drink them, sitting at Thy adorable feet.
4. To whom shall we then go? Thy voice full of charm - tells us: fear not; trust in me! - Thou dost comfort our hearts and dry our tears. - To whom shall we go, but to Thee?
No 196
1. In Thine everlasting arms, mighty God of eternity, - Thou dost keep us sheltered from the wind, from the tempest; - for we belong to Thee and Thou hast been to us, - Saviour God, a high tower down through the ages.
2. We see the lofty mountains shake and crumble, - the roaring tempestuous waves - break even the shore’s resistance. Yet nothing can disturb - the humble and submissive heart which is grounded in Thee.
3. Hast Thou not said, Lord, that Thou changest not? - Thy word is certain, eternal, unchangeable, - sustains our life and lightens our steps, - when everything on earth crumbles, it remains unshakable.
No 197
1. Place of rest, holy homeland, - happy abode of the redeemed, - O beloved city of gold, - I long for thy bliss. - Rest, rest! Close to Jesus, - grief, pain will be no more.
2. There, I will enter saved by grace, - there, Thou dost wait for me in the holy courts. - Come, Thou dost say, I bought Thy place - in
No 198
1. We sail at full sail, - O Christians, heavenly people. - As dawn breaks, the stars fade, - all radiant, the day begins.
2. Look: already the shore - appears in the distance: - friends, let us be of good courage, - for rest is certain.
3. If the storm threatens us, - let us not be afraid of the danger; - a heavenly passenger - has come on board.
4. The deep, stormy and treacherous, - place of shipwreck and death, - stills itself at the voice of the Master; - already we arrive at the haven.
5. O what rapture of joy - when His people will see Him, - when His divine tenderness - will cover us forever!
6. Look: already the shore - shines with the morning rays; - friends, let us be of good courage, - for rest is reached!
No 199
1. Everywhere with Jesus! He alone is my stay. - May I never leave Him, may I rather abide with Him! - To follow His steps, may no effort be too costly: - everywhere with Jesus who has cleared the way for me.
2. Everywhere with Jesus! If this tender Shepherd - sometimes makes me walk in arduous paths, - if He tests me often, and takes away those I love, - when everything goes, He remains.
3. Everywhere with Jesus, in the heat of summer; - everywhere with Jesus, in the dreaded winter; - everywhere with Jesus, in the radiant daybreak, - everywhere with Jesus, when night surrounds me!
4. Everywhere with Jesus! Led by my Saviour, - whether it be in the furnace or in depressing pain; - in days of rest, of toil, or of grief, - everywhere with Jesus, where His love leads me!
5. Everywhere with Jesus! Nothing can move me. - With Him, even death has lost its power. - He walks before me, encourages me to follow Him; - everywhere with Jesus, to die and to live!
No 200
1. O Jesus, my heart longs - for Thee day after day. - Eagerly I desire - the moment of Thy return. - I cry out with Thine own - “Amen, Lord Jesus, come!” - Divine treasure of my soul, - Thee alone I claim.
2. As the thirsty hart panteth - after the fresh waterbrooks, - so, in this desert, my soul - follows and longs for Thee. - I cry out with Thine own: - “Amen, Lord Jesus, come!” - O my Saviour, when will it be - that mine eyes will see Thy face?
3. To enjoy Thy rich grace, - to celebrate Thy great love, - to see Thee, Jesus, face to face, - to be with Thee forever - causes me to say with Thine own: - “Amen, Lord Jesus, come!” - Answer the cry of my soul, - for it is Thee whom I claim.
No 201
1. Friends, let us be courageous! - Soon will rise - a morning without a cloud: - we shall arrive (2x) - at the eternal shore.
2. Here below the storms, - here below the pains, - no rest for our heads: - where could we find a retreat - to shelter our hearts? (2x)
3. But for the docile soul - there is a happy haven; - it is the quiet rest, - a calm and sure refuge, - under the protection of the mighty God, (2x)
4. Friends, let us be courageous! - Soon will rise - a morning without a cloud: - we shall arrive (2x) - at the eternal shore.
No 202
1. For the heavy heart, for the sad and weary souls, - Jesus, there is sweet rest in Thy love, - a permanent rest in the unspeakable grace - which sought out sinners and carried their burdens.
2. We find rest when we bow the head, - O adorable Saviour, under Thy yoke of love, - learning from Thee alone, from Thy perfect grace, - to patiently bear the burden of each day.
3. Rest, divine rest! We have it on earth - in following the path, shining with light, - which leads us towards Thee, above in the light, - to the eternal rest of all the redeemed.
No 203
1. Why do you fear, my soul? In the midst of suffering - is not the Lord your stay, your support? - Lift up your eyes: He is your deliverance, - He does not leave you: my soul, fear nothing.
2. Have I to face torments, strife, trials, - pass through the crucible where gold is refined, - enter the furnace or cross the rivers, - He remains my Saviour, my guide, my treasure.
3. No, I shall fear nothing. Neither Satan, nor the world, - can pluck me from the arms of the good Shepherd. - There I enjoy His deep love in peace; - there I am for ever sheltered from danger.
No 204
1. Toward Thee, Jesus, toward my home land, - I go, led by the Holy Spirit; - without fear, in Him I trust - day after day, unto the end.
2. He sustains me, He encourages me - in the path which leads to heaven; - soon, at the end of my journey, - I shall see Thee Emmanuel.
3. Meanwhile, along the road, - closing my ear to all vain noise, - in silence my soul listens - to the soft voice of Thy Spirit.
No 205
1. Jesus is the supreme Friend, - the tender Friend of my heart, - Jesus is the One who loves me, - my Refuge and my Saviour.
2. Jesus Christ is the Light - who comes and illuminates my steps, - that in following my course - my foot should not stray.
3. Jesus is the faithful Love, - my Rest here below; - He is eternal Life - and leads me unto God.
4. Jesus is my Hope: - soon He will come from heaven - to take me into His presence - in the eternal rest.
5. My Hope, my All, my Life, - O Jesus, Light, Love, - may I glorify Thee here - while waiting for Thy return!
No 206
1. To let Thee only act and mark out our path, - God of peace, God of love! - and may we find near Thee the source of our joys, - every moment of the day! (2x)
2. And when, isolated, defenceless, we see - some danger arise, - seeking a sure shelter in Thy presence alone, - to let Thee only act! (2x)
3. To let Thee only act, and, sure of Thy victory - may we rest in Thee, - then be introduced by Thee into glory, - as the prize of our faith. (2x)
No 207
1. O Saviour, O true God, Thou eternal life, - springing fountain ever fresh and new, - faith comes and draws from Thee, deep and pure source; - every sinner receives life in drawing near Thee.
2. Should the desert’s scorching wind consume us, - should the sky with fire light up again each day, - if our strength already begins to fail, - water flows from the Rock and refreshes us.
3. But soon, at the sound of Thy sovereign voice, - the heavenly realm will open up before us. - Dawn already reddens heaven’s radiant summits, - and we shall drink for ever from the eternal river.
No 208
1. Lord, when I contemplate - the work of Thy hands, - heaven, vault of Thy temple, - which covers all mankind,
2. When I see the vast army - of brillliant stars in the heavens, - upheld in their radiant orbits - by Thy power,
3. I understand my littleness, - my nothingness and Thy greatness, - I feel all my weakness, - O God, mighty Creator!
4. Before Thee I am - but infirm and a sinner; - may I hope that Thy grace - will look upon me with favour?
5. Ah! I know that Thy tenderness - condescended to stoop down to me, - took me in my littleness - to raise me up to Thee.
6. Yes, the wretched sinner - is of greater price in Thine eyes - than the procession - of countless stars in the heaven,
7. For, in Thy supreme love, - Thou hast given to be my Saviour, - o my God, Thy Son Himself, - the delight of Thy heart!
No 209
1. When on my course, I come to the milestone, - whence I retrace the path of my life, - from this lofty place, I let my eyes - wander over the road pursued, - no tear, O God, nor regret, nor sigh - come to trouble my overwhelmed soul: - for Thy child, there is but one memory, - the memory of Thy mercy.
2. Ah! If it is true that my feet have left - a thousand false steps imprinted in the dust; - if the obstacle standing upon my path - too often has slowed down my progress, - how many times, instead of punishing me, - Thy tender care, Thy overwhelming pity, - have left but one memory in my heart, - the memory of Thy mercy!
3. Henceforth the dark night will fade- : tomorrow the goal will appear unveiled! - The path ascends, towards the pure summits - it seems already to reach the stars. - Up yonder, joyful, throughout eternity, - I shall exalt Thine overwhelming love, - for, in heaven, there is but one memory, - the memory of Thy mercy!
No 210
1. Abide with us, Lord: the day declines - the night approches and threatens us; - we entreat Thy divine presence, - abide with us, Lord, abide with us!
2. In Thee our hearts have hailed their Master; - in Thee the church has found her Bridegroom; - under Thy look the soul feels revived: - abide with us, Lord, abide with us!
3. The vain happiness of this unfaithful world - brings forth but regrets and disgust; - we are thirsty for an eternal joy: - abide with us, Lord, abide with us!
4. In our conflicts, midst distress, - overwhelmed by the enemy’s blows, - May Thy might arm us in our weakness: - abide with us, Lord, abide with us!
5. Under Thy look, joy is holy and good; - near Thy heart, even tears are sweet. - Whatever Thy hand may take away from us or give to us, - abide with us, Lord, abide with us!
6. From above, Lord, Thy voice encourages us, - repeating: ”I am with you”. - Day after day, till the voyage ends, - In Thy love, Thou art with us.
No 211
1. “It is finished”. The work of grace is done. - The shout of victory goes up at last. - The One who dies having bowed His head - has triumphed. It is finished.
2. The cup is drunk. In peace He lays down His life. - God finds in Him His infinite delight; - glorified, henceforth He glorifies - the perfect Man. It is finished.
3. Lost man, from the depths of his misery, - sees sin abolished by Jesus. - To pay its terrible wages, - He has suffered. It is finished.
4. From top to bottom God Himself rends - the holy veil. The way established, - new, living, to the supreme abode - is open for us. It is finished.
5. From the new heaven to the new earth - all will soon sing, filled with love. - Praise to God, glory to the Son, glory to the Father! - For ever all is finished.
No 212
1. Already, Lord, Thy glories follow - the sufferings which were Thy portion. - In heaven, under the holy gaze Thou dost appear (2x) - for those who live by Thee.
2. In our bodies, fragile tents, - laden, suffering, we long - for the eternal house - which we shall put on in glory. (2x)
3. But through tears and sorrows - Thy voice reaches us from above, - prelude to the impending delights, - telling us: “I come quickly”. (2x)
4. And, shout of love and of hope, - the response of Thine elect - by the Holy Spirit rises towards Thee: - “Amen, oh come, Lord Jesus!” (2x)
No 213
1. In that place of anguish, - midst two malefactors, - the blows of justice - have struck Thee, dear Saviour, - but what was Thy crime? - Why this chastisement? - Thou the Holy Victim, - Thou wast innocent.
2. Thou didst come to save men; - But they have rejected Thee, - and all that we are - was manifested there. - Insulted by the world, - despised O Lord, - in deepest anguish, - Thy heart was broken.
3. When the last hour came - Thou wast abandoned, - God most Holy, Himself - turned away from Thee. - Unsearchable mystery, - Thou, the object of His heart, - met His wrath, - in all it’s severity.
4. Redeemer, worthy to be adored, - nailed to the cross, - dying for guilty men, - atoning for our sins, - Thou didst bear the punishment - for our many crimes, - Thou didst break our bonds, - and gave us peace.
5. Thy work is finished - and Thy God satisfied, - Thy head is crowned, - Thy triumph perfect, - to Thee glory and power, - honour and majesty, - and gratitude- for all eternity!
No 214
1. Thine only Son, O our Father, - in heaven and on earth. - Has always satisfied Thy heart. - Jesus offered Himself in sacrifice, - supreme object of Thy delight, - now crowned with honour. - And we behold in His face - the brightness of Thy perfection, - the radiance of Thy grace, - Thy full revelation.
2. Before the world was created, - Thou didst set apart, profound grace, - the Lamb without spot and without blemish. - He was judged for our guilt, - yet what a sweet odour - rose to Thee on high! - Thy Well-Beloved, giving His life, - fulfilled Thy plans of love; - upon the cross, His finished work - has glorified Thee forever.
3. Lifted up to the sanctuary, - at Thy right hand, O God our Father, - He has sat down victorious. - Soon He will take His Church - bought at such a price - and will take her up to heaven. - Close to Him, reflecting His glory. - Radiant with His beauty, - she will sing His victory, - throughout all eternity.
No 215
1. O God, we tell of the glory - of He who came here below - to begin again our history - obedient at every step.(2x)
2. How wonderful for Thee, Father, - Thy worthy and blessed Son! - In Him our souls consider - Thine infinite glory.(2x)
3. He was this merciful man, - compassionate and humble of heart; - but in His solitary path - what matchless greatness.(2x)
4. In His death as in His life, - He fulfilled Thy pleasure - having come in infinite grace - to serve, suffer and die.(2x)
5. He was rejected by the world - where man crucified Him. - As He glorified Thee, O Father - Thou hast also glorified Him.(2x)
6. Soon, introduced by Thy grace - into the place of divine rest. - We will behold His face - and will adore Him forever.(2x)
No 216
1. The day is coming, Lord Jesus, when in glory - we will be brought before the Father by Thee; - then Thou wilt rejoice in the fruit of Thy victory - surrounded by Thy ransomed ones.
2. Thy glorified saints - Thy Bride adorned - Thou wilt introduce to the marriage feast - and, seating them in their prepared places, - coming forward, Thou wilt serve them.
3. In the heavenly abode, fulfilment of our hope, - where Thou hast ever desired to have man, - we will behold Thy supreme beauty, - and the wounds in Thy hands.
4. When we see the riches of Thy grace, - boundless, unfading treasure, - the glory, divine seal of all the promises. - In Thee, Lord, will shine.
5. Eternal glory to God! Glory to Thee the Father’s Son. - Glory to Thee, Son of Man, to Thee, Lamb of God! Lord may some heavenly light, be seen in Thine own on this earth.
No 217
1. O day of anguish, when God hid His face! - O day of shame and confusion. - When Thou didst pay, Lord, in our stead - the great price of redemption.
2. Thou didst seek love and sympathy, - but none of Thine own understood Thy sorrow; - by one betrayed, by another denied, - none was found to comfort Thee.
3. Thou wast silent in all Thy suffering - when scornful enemies upon Thee - heaped defiance and insult - reproach rent Thy heart.
4. Having at last emptied the bitter cup, - accomplished the work, and said “It is finished”. - Mighty Victor! Into the Father’s hands, - in perfect peace, Thou didst give Thy spirit.
5. O dear Saviour, higher than the angels, - God, satisfied, has crowned Thee with honour. - Here below, we sing Thy praise, - and, prostrate, we adore Thee Lord.
No 218
1. We adore Thee, Lord of glory, - exalted above the heavens, - God of victory, we praise Thy name - forever glorious. - To Thee our homage - to Thee without reserve - praise, honour in the highest.
2. O King of kings, girded with power - Thou wilt appear in Thy beauty, - Thou wast here, in suffering, - despised by all and rejected! - To Thee our homage - to Thee without reserve - praise throughout eternity!
3. O Jesus, Prince of life, - nailed to the shameful cross, - in boundless sufferings, - Thou didst bear the death of the cross! - Accept our homage - which to Thee, endlessly, - our hearts and our voices raise!
4. Bright with glory and light, - Thou wilt appear in Thy splendour, - and, in heaven and on earth, - Thou wilt reign, Christ and Lord, - but already now, our souls - Jesus proclaim Thee - Son of God, powerful Redeemer!
No 219
1. Blessed be Thou, faithful Saviour - who came from above to dwell among us - veiling Thine eternal glory - in human form.
2. Humble bearer of the seed - sowed with tears - Thou didst know suffering, Jesus - in Thy wonderful devotion.
3. The grain of wheat falling to the earth; - as it is written; should it die - will not remain alone - but will bear much fruit.
4. The harvest is ripening - before Thine eyes, divine Saviour - Thou wilt return, singing with joy - clasping Thy sheaves to Thy heart.
5. Thou wilt then appear in glory, - surrounded by Thy redeemed, - ripe fruit of Thy victory - gathered for eternity.
No 220
1. Objects of Thy divine grace, - O Father, we can come, - together, happy in Thy presence, - to praise and to bless Thee, - by Jesus Christ, our hope, - it is sweet for us to bring - a tribute of gratitude - and to exalt Thee with one heart.
2. The darkness of our misery - would have swallowed us up - but Thy light shone upon us - and Thou didst pour Thy peace in us. - The work of grace is finished, - we see our Redeemer - crowned with infinite glory, - our forerunner in heaven above.
3. Fruit of Thine immortal victory, - saved by the work of Jesus, - we contemplate Him in glory - where by Thee He was received. - Adoring Thee in the sanctuary - which we enter by faith, - God Almighty, God our Father - we bow before Thee.
4. Soon, in heaven, forever, - singing the new hymn, - Thy redeemed will give Him homage - before the Lamb. - Filled with joy in His presence, - admiring Him in His beauty, - they will proclaim His power - and magnify His goodness.
No 221
1. We admire the eternal splendour - of God, the Redeemer’s plans of love, - perfecting new creation - His hearts’ purpose.
2. Before sin came into the world, - the divine Lamb was before Thee, - Eternal Father! O depth of wisdom, - hidden counsel!
3. Jesus offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice, - He made peace through the blood of His cross; - whosoever comes, by Him, meets God’s favour, - in Christ made acceptable.
4. Glory to Jesus, the firstfruits, - who triumphed over death, - in heaven He is Thy delight - He, the last Adam.
5. The whole suffering universe - will soon be freed; - Christ is the surety of that deliverance - from the yoke of vanity.
6. God in all, blessed hope! - Supreme peace of the holy city! - Thine own will be satisfied by Thy presence, - in that eternal day.
7. In adoring on this earth - the victorious Lamb, forever glorious, - we praise Thee, our God, our Father, - for Thy wonderful gift.
No 222
1. Blessed liberty as children with their Father! - In communion with Thee O God, Thy well-beloved - can taste already, in full light, - the sweetness of the bonds wrought by Thy grace.
2. Entering the holy place, received into Thy presence, - we come together, on this day, to adore Thee, - bringing by Jesus Christ, with gratitude, - the praise produced in us by Thy love.
3. Thy heart’s desire was to have sons together with Thine own Son; - Tender Father, Thou hast forever adopted us, - our life is bound up in Him, Thy beloved, - to Jesus in heaven, the Risen One.
4. One in the Beloved, we give Thee homage, - already anticipating the eternal day, - for we will bear the image of a glorious Christ, - forever before Thee in joy.
No 223
1. Jesus, who can tell the sufferings - which in love Thou didst endure, - in Thy path of obedience - which led to Golgotha; - and Thine unfathomable sorrow - when, bowing, Thou didst plead - O dear Saviour, in the distress - of the strife at Gethsemane!
2. Anticipating that dread hour, - Thou wast in anguish and fear, - asking, if it was possible, - that the cup should pass from Thee - “But Thy will be done!” - O great acceptance - of the Redeemer, who turned not away, - in whom all is perfection!
3. Thou didst come to honour the Father, - unto death didst serve Him; - In Thee alone, He found His delight, - His Beloved, humble and subject. - We render to Thee, Lord, our homage, - beholding such devotion: - We will exalt in all ages - this supreme renouncement.
No 224
1. We magnify, O God, the Son of Thy delight; - from all eternity, the object of Thy love; - for Thy glory He offered himself as sacrifice - He came to do all Thy will.
2. He, the Eternal Son, in His supreme greatness - possessing all the rights of the Godhead, - He emptied Himself, humbled Himself, - and glorified Thee in going even to the cross.
3. Son of man, lifted upon Calvary’s tree, - acceptable sacrifice, tried by fire - Thy Beloved gave Himself as a willing victim - perfect burnt-offering, entirely for God.
4. Thy heart was satisfied with all the excellence - of the Lamb foreknown, without spot or blemish, - His entire devotion, His complete obedience, - rose to Thee as a sweet-smelling savour.
5. Through the gift of His life, atoning sacrifice, - Christ made Thy divine attributes to shine - He claimed the glory from a just and holy God - He magnified Thy sovereign love.
6. In Him raised up and made acceptable, - Father we extol Thy wondrous counsels. - One with Thy Beloved through Thine unsearchable grace, we adore Thee on high.
No 225
Unto Him who hath loved us, - and who hath washed us from our sins in His blood, yes in His blood; - And hath made us a kingdom, - priests to His God and Father; - to Him be the glory, to Him the might, - for ever and ever - Amen, amen.
No 226
1. O give to our souls, - more holiness, - more ardent flame, - more serenity; - more trust - to stand firm, - more patience - to bear all.
2. May our souls contemplate - always the Lamb, - His perfect example - His cross, His tomb, - His faithful grace, - His great love, - His eternal glory, - His soon return.
3. Lord Jesus, with our tears - Thou dost sympathise, - with all Thine armour - come and cover us. - May we, in the light - walking with Thee; - ever in prayer, - live by faith.
4. Shape for Thy service - more joyful hearts, - ready to sacrifice, - ever under Thy regard; - which sing, which tremble, - filled with zeal; - hearts which resemble - Thine own, dear Saviour.
No 227
1. Jesus Christ brings us - salvation by faith - He said “I am the door - by me you must enter.” To lead us to the Father, - He died on the cross, - and already on the earth - we know His voice.
2. He is the good Shepherd - of His beloved sheep. - He keeps them Himself - and knows how to protect them. - He gives them life - for eternity - his infinite power - is their safety.
3. None can do us harm, - pluck us from His hand; - He leads us - in the only true path. - Seeing our weakness - He restores us, - with His tender care - always surrounds us.
4. Let us taste, in the presence - of the soveriegn Shepherd, - abundant life - which He shares with us; - And in dependence upon Him - walking in liberty - may we rejoice - in His nearness.
No 228
1. We have not here an abiding city, - where, as Christians we can dwell, (2x) - the earthly abode is a frail tent - which a light wind could blow down.
2. We have not here an abiding city, - for our portion is on high. (2x) Soon the strong and powerful voice will sound forth, - the glorious shout of departure.
3. We have not here an abiding city, - we will receive it one day (2x) While waiting, it is by faith made real - and our hearts can rejoice.
4. Yet a little while, of toil and waiting... - and then Thy gates will open (2x) - city of the Living God, heavenly and abiding. - where the elect will dwell.
No 229
1. Thy Word is our treasure - it is the firm truth, - accessible to our weakness - through it’s greatness.
2. O God, Thy Word contains - the most precious treasure, - for Thy Spirit reveals therein - Jesus, the only way to heaven.
3. Thy Word, living message - brings us true happiness, - peace, joy and courage - following this divine Saviour.
4. Thy Word, pure light, - brightens and guides our every step - that we may, tender Father, - glorify Thee here below.
5. To Thy Son Himself, Thy Word, - desires to attach our hearts, - unfolding the supreme glories - of the Person of the Lord.
No 230
1. What would become of Thine own - in his weakness, - if he couldn’t, in his distress, - be sheltered - by Thine ever-faithful love, - God of goodness, - and live in the shadow of Thy wings, - in security?
2. He is a stranger on earth - but has no fear. - The God of love and light - leads his steps - and Thy wonderful presence - dear Saviour! - Is his stay when suffering - grips his heart.
3. When going through deep waters, - it is with Thee; - the sweet peace which floods him - sustains his faith. - What happiness when near the Father - he will see Thee, - and face to face, in Thy light, - will adore Thee!
No 231
1. “My grace is sufficient for thee.” Wonderful words! - It is sufficient to the end of the pathway, - marvellous foretaste of eternal happiness - which, with Thee, Lord, we will taste forever.
2. “My grace is sufficient for thee.” In extreme weakness, - we prove, Lord, Thy powerful help; - Thou sustainest our faith while in suffering, - surrounding us always with Thy loving care.
3. We will soon taste, in the Father’s house, - the blessed results of Thy grace. - Recalling, on high, the day when, on earth, - Thou didst answer us: ”My grace is sufficient for thee.”
No 232
1. In days of bitter trial, - of strife, of pain, - when, under the Father’s hand, - we shed tears, - let us not lose courage, - in peace let us submit ourselves. - Let us learn of this great and wise God - on our knees.
2. God allows distress - in order to bless us, - his hand will never harm us - to make us suffer. - The vine which He prunes - is that which He cherishes, - that in this world it - might bear more fruit.
3. Faithful discipline - of a holy God - where divine grace - is full of fruit! - Thy beloved children - are shaped on the earth. - Be praised, tender Father - for Thy loving care.
No 233
1. O Lord, in the dark night, - our longing is for Thee; - we taste the countless blessings - which feed our faith -Thy tender mercy - surrounds us at each step. - Our heart is touched and overflows... - but we do not see Thee.
2. Doubtless, we know Thee - Lord, better than in days gone by - when following Thy path, - which led to the cross. - The Church contemplates Thee, - Lord, no longer here below, - but in heaven, with the Father, - from whence Thou wilt return.
3. By faith, our soul sees, - rising above the sky, - the Bride contemplates, acclaims - her glorious Redeemer. - In ecstacy she adores Thee, - and desires Thy return: - her happiness will be complete - when she is forever with Thee.
4. We can, then, await - that most beautiful day, - when Thy powerful and tender voice, - opening the tombs for the dead, - will fulfill the hope - of the living gathered. We will be taken together - Lord, we will see Thee.
No 234
1. Upon Thy promises, God of love, - Thine own rest in peace. - In Thy might is their help. - Thy grace is their constant support.
2. Thou hast given us all, O God, - in Jesus Christ, supreme gift. - By Him we enter the holy place, - by Him we bless Thy name.
3. O Father, may we measure - the greatness of Thy love, - that our hearts may tirelessly - celebrate Thy goodness.
No 235
1. Day after day, Lord, - teach me. - Keep my failing heart - close to Thee. - May I walk by faith - in a straight path, - my eyes fixed upon Thee - my Redeemer!
2. Lord, in affliction - teach me. - Upon the stormy sea, - lead me. - In the dark night, - Thy tender gaze follows me. - Thy goodness guides me: - I will go without fear.
3. By Thy Spirit, Lord, - teach me. - To live for Thy honour, - wherever I may be. - Until the pathway ends - by Thy divine power, - may I abide in Thy hand - O my Saviour!
No 236
1. Who can know Thee, - Eternal God, - Thou, Lord and Master - Holy God? - Thy greatness goes beyond - the endless heavens, - and nothing surpasses - Thy glorious name.
2. Far from Thy presence - is man banished? - No, Thy boundless grace - has opened the way. - O limitless God, - whom we cannot touch, - Thy heart invites us - to come near to Thee.
3. Yes, Thy Father-heart - has given us Jesus, - Jesus, the light - Jesus, salvation - His blood cleanses - our iniquity - we have life - for eternity.
4. This wondrous gift - is for every believer; - what a unique portion - to be Thy children! - Our songs ascend - to the divine abode, - with thankfulness - toward Thee, God of love.
No 237 (adapted, see Spiritual Songs Nº 289)
1. My soul, rest upon God alone; - Jesus is near, always at your side. - In suffering, through deep waters, through fire, - His tender love will carry you. - If God shapes and tries you, my soul, - He leads you toward eternal joy.
2. Rest, confident and at peace, - let Jesus be your happiness. - In times past His help was constant, - He will remain your guide and your Saviour. - Once again His firm and powerful voice - will still the furious waves.
3. Be still, God will never forget you, - and the hour is near when Jesus will come. - You will understand the sorrows of your life, - and you will see that He wished to bless you. - May your faith honour and glorify - God who loved you for eternity.
No 238
1. Glory to Thee, God of love, who desired to have on earth, - true worshippers gathered unto their Father! - In times past Thou wast hidden from Thy people, - but by the blood of Christ we are brought near.
2. Jesus, sure foundation of His beloved church, - is the living stone, rejected today. - Precious to Thy heart, wonderful to our eyes. - To Him be glory, honour, in God’s house!
3. Gathered in His name, objects of Thy grace. - All, in one accord, sing before Thy face. - In this holy temple dwells Thy Spirit - and Thy praise, O God, rises and fills it.
No 239
1. Father, we shall understand, before Thy face above, - Thy great goodness for Thine elect; - in the ages without end we will bless Thy grace - manifested to us in the work of Jesus.
2. Without Thy sovereign plan, we would not have life, - which grasps eternal salvation through faith; - we glorify that infinite grace - which has foreknown us and chosen us for heaven.
3. Oh wonderful design of the only-wise God: - Thou dost desire us in the glory with the First-born! - To surround Thy Son and bear His image - Thine unsearchable love has predestinated us.
4. What treasures are hidden in that divine mystery - which we will sound throughout eternity; - in the perfect happiness of the Father’s house - may Thy name, our God, be forever exalted!
No 240 (adapted, see Baldwin Gospel Hymns Nº 172)
1. To Thee be the glory - O Risen One! - To Thee the victory, - for eternity! - Shining brightly, - the angel came down, - he rolled away the stone - from the defeated tomb. - Lord of glory, - all Thy redeemed ones - sing the victory - for eternity!
2. O deep peace, - Jesus lives! - What joy floods - the heart of the believer! - Filled with gladness - Lord, we can - endlessly proclaim - that Thou art the victor! - Lord of glory, etc.
3. Having sat down - on high, close to God, - soon, what grace! - Thou wilt come from heaven, - fine gold crowns Thee - exalted Saviour, - sitting upon the throne, - in Thy majesty. - Lord of glory etc.
No 241
1. Jesus has risen! To Him be the glory! - To His own He appeared, to His own slow to believe. - Seeing His hands and His side, touching wounds, - they then listened to the reassuring voice.
2. Jesus says: “Peace be unto you!” And by His presence, - fills them with great joy, in their amazement. - In the midst of two or three who love and adore Him, - He is there as then for those who honour Him.
3. Christ is victor of the tomb. Infinite power! - O Lord we exalt, Thine accomplished work. - Thine offering has satisfied the God of light; - In Thy triumph the Fathers’ glory is manifested.
4. The trumpet will sound at Thy coming - and the Church will respond to Thy well-known voice - clothed with a new body. Made like unto Thee, - we will see Thee, holy Lamb, adorable Saviour.
5. Jesus, our Redeemer, Prince of life, - from death, and its terrors, Thou dost free us. - Death, where is thy sting? Where is thy victory? - With one heart we praise Thee, O Lord of glory.
No 242
1. With faith, nothing is impossible - for the great God on whom we depend; - it is the eye which sees the invisible, - the hand which grasps the gifts - and tastes the savour of the fruits - already, before the harvest; - passing through the terrible desert, - it has it’s heart at Home.
2. Faith can fight without weapons, - lose all to gain all, - sing, even while shedding tears, - reign, even while suffering; - sow, in seeing the field - from afar, the harvest already white; - obedient and sovereign, - faith alone is always right.
3. Since the first patriarchs, - its flag has always flown; - see the great army marching - whose Leader is already above; - it comes from the depths of history, - and our generation, - may well, reaching the glory, - fulfill its calling.
4. Faith strengthened by the certainty: - The world and death are vanquished; its conduct is determined - by the cross of the Lord Jesus. - But soon, in the clouds, - Christians, we will go to Him; - faith will be changed into sight, - and ’tis Jesus whom we will behold.
No 243
1. There is a path of light, - of peace and security, - leading us on the earth, - with a happy heart, in freedom.
2. It is a narrow and holy way, - far from the world, far from sin, - where love casts out fear: - Jesus Himself has trodden it.
3. It is the path which has, - opened His immense love to us, on earth - where the light of His face - grows brighter every day.
4. Until the time when, towards His throne, - we will go from this earth, - to the place where all reflects - the glory of the Son of God.
No 244
1. Like the virgins in the parable, Lord Jesus we fell asleep! - Many of Thine own, forgetting Thy word, - have became friends of the world. - But convicted in our consciences, - to Thee Jesus we cry on our knees! - Drive the indifference from our hearts, - awaken us, Lord, awaken us!
2. Preoccuppied with earthly things. - Many times we have forgotten - the only thing, O Christ, which is necessary, - to be at Thy feet and to listen to Thy voice! - But to our hearts, Thy Spirit tells - that Thou wilt return from above, heavenly Bridegroom! - With fervour, we desire to await Thee: - Awaken us, Lord, awaken us!
3. Alas! hidden in dry soil, - more than one talent, Lord, has produced nothing! - Around us our weak light - has not shone in the night. - O! may we in this last hour, - bear fruit for Thee, all working - until the time to enter Thine abode. - Awaken us, Lord, awaken us!
No 245
1. What price, O Father, for Thy heart - has Jesus the Son of Thy love! - The great mystery of godliness - nurtures our faith each day.
2. On the paths of this earth, - His joy was to serve Thee. - And from the manger to Calvary’s hill, - Thou didst find Thy delight in Him.
3. Thine only Son made known - Thy grace, O God, Thy truth; - in the splendour of all Thy Being - Thou wast then manifested.
4. His life was a pure offering, - His death the excellent fragance - of the holy Man in his nature, - perfectly obedient.
5. Crowned with supreme glory, - He is Thy joy and Thy rest; - He Himself has prepared for us - a place with Him on high.
No 246
1. What is the strength, the support - the shelter, the rock of the believer? - what is his title of nobility, - his shield, his stronghold, - in danger, in grief? - It is the Word of the Lord.
2. What is the two-edged sword, - which will judge the wicked, - what, breaking the strongest armour, - piercing to the joints and marrow, - uncovers the secrets of the heart? - It is the Word of the Lord.
3. What whispers in accents sweet, - peaceful breeze of spring? - What repeats songs of hope - of love, of peace, of confidence, - in the days of anguish and pain? - It is the Word of the Lord.
4. May His Word live in me, - spring, shelter, supporter of my faith, - powerful weapon for the fight, - aid of the failing heart! - Oh! may I always be conqueror - by the Word of the Lord.
No 247
1. We await Thee, Lord, more than the watchmen, - watching through the night, await in the morning; - the Morning Star, risen in the faithful hearts - shines already with its divine brightness.
2. Son of man exalted, by man rejected, - Jesus, more than we do, Thy soul awaits that day. - Lamb, heavenly bridegroom, whose marriage is being prepared, - formed by Thy love, our desires to Thee arise.
3. Thy Church, Lord, adores Thee, - but longs to see Thee and to be with Thee. - The Holy Spirit awakens in her heart - the hymn of hope and the call of faith.
4. Come take up the treasure, which is Thine - hidden in this sighing world, - and add to Thy shining golden crown, - the pearl which reflects Thine own brightness.
No 248
1. Nearer, my God, to Thee, - nearer to Thee! - It is the cry of faith: - nearer to Thee! - In the day when trials - overflow like a river, - keep me nearer to Thee! Nearer to Thee!
2. Nearer to Thee, Lord, - nearer to Thee! - Keep me in my sorrow, - near to Thee. - When suffering - works in silence, - always nearer to Thee, - Lord, keep me!
3. Nearer to Thee, always - nearer to Thee! - Give me Thy help, - sustain my faith. - Even if Satan breaks loose, - Thy love brings me - always nearer to Thee, - nearer to Thee!
4. Nearer, my God, to Thee; - In Thy path! - Keep me near to Thee, - holding Thy hand. - Pilgrim, take courage, - it is the journey’s end. - Nearer, my God, to Thee, - very near to Thee.
No 249
1. Mighty and great God! Thou seest all my life; - Thou hast known me, and searched me from above - could I flee Thine infinite light? - Thou dost follow me wherever I go.
2. Though I walk or stop, - behold, everywhere Thy hand is upon me; - when my tongue begins to speak, - my thoughts are already before Thee.
3. If I would flee to the ends of the earth, - seeking darkness in the tomb, - ascending to heaven: everywhere, God of light, - Thou wouldst reach me with Thy brightness.
4. But by faith, I come to Thee without fear: - In His love, Jesus saved me - I am received in Thy Holy presence, - purified from all iniquity.
5. Try me, ever-faithful God, - search my heart to sanctify it; - And lead me in the way everlasting; - give me to glorify Thee.
No 250
1. Silently, a ship - sails on a blue sea - moving gently - under a calm sky. - But suddenly the wind rises - blowing black clouds - and the waves it stirs - frighten, as it is dark. (2x)
2. Great is the distress - of the bewildered travellers - great also is their weakness - no longer upheld by their faith. - But there is One who watches - over them, although asleep - should He be woken? - Is not He their tender friend? (2x)
3. Master, carest Thou not? - We perish! - All miracles are possible to Thee - save us, we pray Thee! - Drawing near to them, - He commands the wind; “Be still!” - And tenderly He reproaches them - for having had so little faith. (2x)
4. Often in life, - the storm darkens our hearts, - although Jesus intercedes for us, - ready to calm our fears. - Let us rest upon His tenderness: - His heart cannot change - He is always the Shepherd - of all His sheep in distress. (2x)
No 251
1. O fugitive! Without purpose, without refuge, - fleeing far from God, without reason - would you taste the peace of the gospel? - O lost child, come home!
2. Time is passing, eternity draws near; - it is still the day of grace; - rise up full of confidence, - O lost child, come home!
3. Come to receive the best robe, - and full healing of your wounds, - come to the feast of eternal joy; - O lost child, come home!
No 252
1. You who have no peace, - come, Jesus gives it; - His goodness, and His love, - have never rejected anyone. - When Jesus fills a heart - it overflows with happiness; - freed from fear: - glory, glory to Jesus!
2. You who suffer alone, - come, Jesus loves you; - to succour the desolate - He came Himself. - When Jesus fills a heart - it overflows with happiness - no longer sad and lonely: - glory, glory to Jesus!
3. You who are full of fear - at the thought of death, - come, Jesus the Redeemer - has destroyed it’s power. - With Him we will live, - with Him we will reign, - death will be no more: - glory, glory to Jesus!
No 253
1. A good news to spread forth - friend, Jesus calls you; ah! come to Him! - Troubled by the holy law, - ashamed of your sins, - without delay or fear, - come to Jesus!
2. See him at Calvary, - dying for you - willing victim - upon a cross. - in the cleansing blood,- lost and unclean man, - may your heart trust! - Come to Jesus!
3. Of His mercy - Jesus freely gives. - To the sinner He grants - a full pardon. - Hasten! Time passes, - passes and never returns. - Today, day of grace, - come to Jesus!
4. Come, let nothing stop you, - come now; - deliverance is at hand; - Jesus awaits you. - If you will believe in Him, - your sins are no more - and you can sing: Glory, - Glory to Jesus!
No 254
1. Jesus is here, calling you. - He wants your happiness, - answer to His faithful voice, - for He is the Saviour. - Come to Him, come to Him! - Come to Jesus today.
2. Why make Him wait? - Already too long - you refuse to listen; - delay no longer! He is here. - Come to Him, etc.
3. He is here, offering His grace, - undeserved pardon, - the peace, which never fades, - heaven, bliss. - Come to Him, etc.
No 255
1. There is still time! For eternal life, - at this moment the Son of God calls you - it’s Jesus! Answer Him: - O! come in today!
2. The room is prepared for the feast; - those called hasten there. - Come too, answer Him: - O! come in today!
3. There is still time, - for the door is open - the Saviour bids you enter. - Come also, answer Him - O! come in today!
4. Tomorrow! Do you know what tomorrow holds? - Many will knock at the door in vain! - Forever far from Him! - O! come in today.
5. Do not delay to answer His grace, - Today there is still room. - Now, come to Him! - O! come in today!
No 256
1. Hear the voice which stops you! - On the path today - which you follow, bowing your head, - not daring to think of your end. - Come back to God who forgives, - you will find happiness. - God never rejects anyone! - Is He not the Saviour?
2. Today Jesus calls you. - His grace is a free gift; - He will judge the rebel - who refuses His pardon. - Come back to God. etc.
3. Unto Calvary’s cross - He came to find you; - He endured the wrath - to wash away sin. - Come back to God. etc.
4. This voice is urging you: - Believe in Jesus today! - May your trusting soul, - rest in peace on Him! - Come back to God etc.
No 257
1. Can you hear? Jesus calls you; - come to Him, He waits for you. - His faithful voice - you resist too long. - Time passes, the hours fly; - open your heart to Jesus. - Obey His word; hasten, tarry not!
2. The earthly vanities, - the vile and deceitful world - have quieted long enough - your concience and your heart. - Time passes, etc.
3. Full of love for the guilty, - Jesus died upon the cross; - yes, adorable Saviour, - friend, He gave Himself for you. - Time passes, etc.
4. At the door He knocks still, - open to your Liberator, - and for you will dawn - the true happiness. - Time passes, etc.
5. The Saviour passes today - do not trust in tomorrow - today is the day of grace: - Look, He stretches out His hand to you. - Time passes, etc.
No 258
1. Just as I am, without one plea, - but that Thy blood was shed for me, - and that Thou bidd’st me come to Thee, - O Lamb of God, I come! I come!
2. Just as I am, though tossed about, - with many a conflict, many a doubt, - fighting within and fear without, - O Lamb of God, I come! I come!
3. Just as I am, Thy love unknown, - hath broken every barrier down; - now to be Thine, yea Thine alone, - O Lamb of God, I come! I come!
No 259
1. Jesus knocks at your door: - Open to Him! Open today! - He brings salvation: - Open to Him! Open today! - He comes to offer His grace; - He wants to dwell with you; - time passes swiftly; - Open to Him! Open today!
2. Open! It’s He who forgives: - Open to Him! Open today! - Accept what He gives: - Open to Him! Open today! - Abandon vain pursuits - His hand will break your chains; - His promises are certain: - Open to Him! Open today!
No 260
1. Jesus, Son of God, came on earth, - to seek and save those who were lost; - He can free you from the weight of your misery; - do you know Him? (2x)
2. Do you know what He suffered on Calvary, - and what He endured nailed to the cross? - Do you know that by His death He paid the debt - of your sins? (2x)
3. Do you know the worth of the cleansing blood, - which can blot out your sin forever? - Do you know that this justifying blood before God, - made peace? (2x)
4. Ah, if you have not seen the grace and power - of this divine Lamb who died upon the cross, come and find in Him full deliverance. - Look up and believe. (2x)
5. Accept pardon, salvation and life, - found by faith in His precious blood; - follow Him on the blessed path - leading to heaven! (2x)
6. Answer without delay to the Saviour’s call; - Come and taste the happiness He gives to His own; - answer today, for time passes quickly... - Believe in Jesus! (2x)
No 261
1. If you knew what a Saviour I posess! - He is the most tender Friend. - He sympathises, He prays, He intercedes - Oh! if only He was also yours! - My Saviour loves you, - ah search for, in Him, - your supreme Friend, your only rest.
2. If you knew the sweet and deep peace - which the Saviour brought to my soul! - Heavenly peace, unknown by the world, - springing up for you from Golgotha. - My Saviour loves you etc.
3. If you knew what sweet hope - the God of peace spreads from heaven! - How His voice calms sorrows, - and His look makes the heart happy! - My Saviour loves you etc.
4. When you know how much Jesus loves you - when you know how easy is His yoke, - don’t keep this treasure to yourself, - but proclaim what He has done for you! - My Saviour loves you, etc.
No 262
1. City of gold, O holy city! - Who will tread your courts? - Who, in Thy celestial abode - can be allowed near to God?
2. The sinner, washed of his sins - by the blood of Christ - alone enters Thy pure gates: - he is holy, he is saved.
3. Filled with holy joy, - he will enter Thy walls; - in Jesus, in His tenderness, - he will rejoice forever.
4. He will contemplate the glory - of the Holy slain Lamb; - he will sing His victory - in an eternal rapture:
5. “Glory to Him who loves us! - To Him, strength and majesty! - To Jesus, supreme glory - unto all eternity!”
No 263
1. Come to the Saviour, who loves you; - and who offered Himself upon the cross; - He wants to welcome you; - His arms are open for you. - Oh what a beautiful day, - Faithful Saviour, - when resting in Thine arms,- in the Father’s house; - we will enter.
2. He calls you now; - happiness is in His love. - Turn your rebellious heart to Him; - He freely saves.- Oh what a beautiful day, etc.
3. Time flees, the hours pass by; - who knows whether tomorrow we live? - Jesus is among us; - Jesus reaches out His hand! - Oh what a beautiful day, etc.
No 264
1. Come! Crying soul, - come to your Saviour. - In your dark hours - tell Him your sorrows; - speak to Him without fear - the Lord Jesus - listens to your pleas. - Ah cry no more!
2. Come! For by His tenderness - this faithful Friend - banishes sadness, - doubt and trouble. - He loves, He comforts - battered souls. - Belive in His word - and cry no more.
3. Then, to the weary souls, - announce too - the perfect grace, - the divine love. - Tell them to believe - in Jesus’ name - in Him all is joy: - no more tears!
No 265
1. In heaven or on earth, - there is no sweeter name, - none my heart prefers, - to the name of Christ who died for us. - Oh, what a beautiful name! - What a beautiful name! - Hath the Eternal Son! - Oh, what a beautiful name! - What a beautiful name! - Emmanuel!
2. No matter how great a man might be, - whether he be prince or king, - what ever name he is named by, - Jesus is greater for me. - Oh, what a beautiful name! etc.
3. In sorrows, Jesus sustains; - He heals the discouraged soul; - He strengthens the courage - of the oppressed heart. - Oh, what a beautiful name! etc.
4. With what joy He floods - the greatest sinner’s heart! - No, there is nothing on earth - to match this happiness. - Oh, what a beautiful name! etc.
No 266
1. Come to the Prince of life; - come to the Lord Jesus Christ, - He invites you today - by His Word and His Spirit. - Whoever trusts in His goodness, - will never be rejected.
2. Jesus Christ, is our justice, - by Him heaven is opened; - for on the cross in sacrifice, - He offered Himself for our sins. - Whoever trusts etc.
3. Come, then, with confidence - to receive life and peace; - saved by Him, by His power, - you will be happy forever. - Whoever trusts etc.
No 267
1. There is an everlasting rock, - placed by God, for my heart, - a sure refuge, - in the midst of the billows. - My rock, my fortress, - my protective shelter, - my help in distress, - it is Jesus, the Redeemer.
2. At my feet the ocean roars; - the wind blows around me: - upon Christ, my rock - I found my hope. - My rock, my fortress etc.
3. In vain the storm rages - and no light appears; - peaceful in the midst of the storm, - I await the dawn after the night. - My rock, my fortress, etc.
4. In the midst of torment, - have you found this shelter? - Ah! take hold of the powerful hand, - of Jesus who saved me. - My rock, my fortress etc.
No 268
1. Upon Thee, do I rest, - O Jesus my Saviour! - What else would be needed - to taste happiness? - Guided by Thy light, - kept by Thy love, - towards the Father’s house - I walk day by day, - upon Thee do I rest, etc.
2. In the stength of the storm - Thou dost stay near to me, - strengthening my courage - and sustaining my faith; - it is in Thy loving heart - that Thou dost hide me; - in vain Satan - would wish to tear me away, - upon Thee do I rest, etc.
3. In Thee I have victory, - peace, freedom; - to Thee will I give glory - for all etenity! - If the spring must fail - of the happiness which passes, - Thy grace is sufficient - to live and to die! - Upon Thee do I rest, etc.
No 269
1. Come, lost soul, - come to your Saviour; - see His outstretched hand, - take it without fear. - It is He who invites you: - answer His voice; - if your heart hesitates - look to the cross.
2. He took your place; - He died for you; - accept His grace - by faith alone. - you will have life - for eternity; - come, His blood atones - for all iniquity.
3. The Saviour wants to be - yours forever, - He reveals to you - His immense love. - Come with confidence; - may He be your support, - your only hope, - your only treasure.
No 270
1. Do you possess from today; - the living and blessed hope? - Have you found, in full confidence, - close to Jesus a strong-hold . - As for me, I have my Saviour; - He satisfies my heart. - As for me, I have my Saviour; - in Him, I have put my trust.
2. When your spirit is cast down, - when your brief pleasure has passed, - what voice, then, comforts you? - And who is, then, your friend? - As for me, I have my Saviour, - He satisfies my heart. - As for me, I have my Saviour; - Oh how sweet is this word!.
3. When you feel the foolishness, - of your present, of your past, - When you are digusted with life, - who sustains your heavy heart? - As for me, I have my Saviour; - He satisfies my heart. - As for me, I have my Saviour; - I trust in His love.
4. Oh! If you could come - into the arms of Jesus! - If you would take hold of His grace! - Friend, come to Him, you will live. - As for me, I have my Saviour, - He satisfies my heart. - As for me, I have my Saviour; - happy is he who beholds His face!
No 271
1. Come to Jesus: He calls you - He calls you today. - Too long you have rebelled: - Today, come to Him!
2. Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you, - Jesus loves you today. - With your deep need, - today, come to Him.
3. He forgives, He forgives, - He forgives today. - Accept the salvation He gives; - today, come to Him!
4. He cleanses, He cleanses - your sins today. - This day is a day of grace: - today, come to Him!